We're only getting one shot at this.

Donald Trump, along with Republicans in the Senate and House, has spent four years enthusiastically attacking our democracy, our elections, and our freedoms.

And it's our duty to defend them – first and foremost, by voting, and doing everything we can to make sure our friends, family, and neighbors do too.

Have you gotten your ballot in? Please make a plan to put it in an official ballot drop box today!

One thing we know: the majority of Americans support progressive policies like expanding access to affordable health care, transitioning to clean energy, protecting the right to choose, and creating a humane immigration system. And the only thing standing in our way is the Republican Senate majority that refuses to even discuss passing legislation.

Until 8pm tomorrow, we've got the chance to show the Republican establishment that our grassroots movement is stronger than its dirty tricks and obstruction.

If you haven't voted yet, please do so as soon as possible. If you have voted, check in with your friends and family to make sure they have all voted, too.

Our democracy is counting on you – and all of us. Let's make sure we're doing everything we can to keep it alive.


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