From Chris - NSS <[email protected]>
Subject Your daily media briefing: religious segregation in Scotland
Date September 16, 2019 8:39 AM
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** Your daily media briefing - Monday 16 September

In the Media <[link removed]>, our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, is one of the most popular features on our website and now available delivered to your inbox.

** Secularism in the media

* ‘Why Scotland must reconsider religious segregation in schools’ <[link removed]>

Tom Wood, a former deputy chief constable, calls for an examination of the root causes of Scotland's sectarian divide and questions whether religious segregation in schools is acceptable in the 21st century.

The Scotsman

* Glasgow City Council bans republican and loyalist marches <[link removed]>

All loyalist and republican marches planned in Glasgow over the weekend were prohibited.

Evening Times

* Lifestyle website for Muslim teens is covertly funded by the Home Office <[link removed]>

A Muslim online lifestyle platform targeting British teenagers is covertly funded by the Home Office's counter-extremism programme.

The Observer

* Father and daughter guilty of running illegal Islamic school <[link removed]>

A head teacher and her father have been found guilty of running an unregistered school in a run-down building, in the second prosecution of its kind.


* PM's burqa jibes 'dehumanising', says government's extremism adviser <[link removed]>

The government's chief adviser on extremism has called the language used by Boris Johnson to describe Muslim women who wear burkas "demeaning" and "dehumanising".

The Guardian

* The NHS is launching specialised FGM clinics to provide support and health advice for survivors <[link removed]>

The NHS has announced the launch of clinics across England specifically to support, treat and help survivors of female genital mutilation.


* ‘The day I met a “gay conversion therapist”’ <[link removed]>

James Barr tells the story of what happened when he signed up for simulated 'treatment' for his sexuality.


* Israel's ultra-Orthodox mobilise in knife-edge election <[link removed]>

Israel's ultra-Orthodox parties see next week's election as a referendum on the role of religion in the state.

The Telegraph

* Girl, 10, filmed being forced to marry her 22-year-old cousin in Iran <[link removed]>

Footage has emerged showing a 10-year-old girl being forced to marry her 22-year-old cousin in Iran.


* Blasphemy accusation in Pakistan sparks ransacking of Hindu temple and school <[link removed]>

A crowd in Pakistan ransacked a school and Hindu temple after a Hindu principal was accused of blasphemy, police said on Monday. This is the latest case to raise concern about the fate of religious minorities in the predominantly Muslim country.


* ‘The Catholic Church hasn’t gone away in Ireland’ <[link removed]>

Ivana Bacik criticises comments from the leader of Ireland's Catholic Church, which suggested religion should influence public policy.

The Irish Times

* Australian butcher has to change ‘non halal certified’ sign <[link removed]>

A butcher in Adelaide has been forced to take down a sign on its front window declaring that its meat is 'non halal certified' after a complaint was upheld.

Daily Mail Australia

** Latest from the NSS

* NSS urges advertising regulators not to defer to religion <[link removed]>

The NSS has urged two advertising regulation bodies to protect free expression on religion as they reconsider their rules on offence.

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