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Toss-up Atlanta area seat will show GA winner! Support Get-Out-The-Vote efforts!

Georgia could decide the President and Senate early tomorrow night.

In a worst case scenario Biden wins Georgia early tomorrow night and declares victory.

If President Trump and conservatives are winning, take a look early on at Georgia's 7th district in the Atlanta area.

It was decided by less than 400 votes in 2018.

Rich McCormick is the conservative Patriot running there and a future star if elected.

He's a Marine, Emergency Room Doctor, Christian and Conservative.

But this is where Democrats are pouring money and hoping the attacks and lies against McCormick depress GOP turnout.

We're fighting back on his behalf and making sure conservatives vote!

The early vote tallies are 50/50 so it truly depends on what happens tomorrow!

McCormick dedicated his life to serving the nation:
  • 3rd generation pilot, his father flew in Vietnam, his grandfather in WWII
  • 2 tours in Persian Gulf, served in combat zones in Africa
  • Taught as Marine Officer Instructor 
  • Head of Emergency Medicine in Afghanistan
Now he's saving lives as an ER Doctor and raising his 7 kids to Love America!

McCormick is the real deal. His district and Georgia as a whole are must win if Patriots are to be celebrating election night!

This is the final chance to step up and help turn out the voters needed to win tomorrow!

Click to support Rich McCormick and President Trump win!
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