
Here's what you need right now to know about Gary's race:

His opponent John James, a hard-right extremist who says he backs Donald Trump “2000%” and has Donald Trump's "total and complete endorsement,” has now outraised him four out of the last five quarters.

Not only that, James has Donald Trump, Betsy DeVos’ family, Mitch McConnell, and now a Koch family PAC funneling in TENS of MILLIONS to buy this seat for the GOP.

It was just reported that Gary's Senate race will be the most expensive election in Michigan's history.

I’ll be blunt with you, friend: Gary was the ONLY Democratic Senator who was outraised this summer, and Nate Silver’s FiveThirtyEight reports Democrats to have ZERO chance to take back the Senate if we lose in Michigan. That’s why we set an 11:59 p.m. deadline to raise another $50,000 for Gary – but we’re already falling WAY short of what we need to win.

With voters already casting their ballots, this cannot wait. So I'm asking you directly: Will you contribute $20 or more now – every dollar you can spare – to win in Michigan and take back the Senate for Democrats?

$18 »
$27 »
$100 »
Other »



Debbie Stabenow
United States Senator





Paid for by Stabenow for U.S. Senate

Contributions or gifts to Stabenow for U.S. Senate are not tax deductible.

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