Election Alert

It all comes down to this! Tomorrow is Election Day and polls will be open across Texas from 7 AM until 7 PM. Early voting broke records across Texas with nearly 10 million Texans voting early – over 57% of registered voters in the state. If you have already voted, please take the time TODAY to remind at least 5 other like-minded voters to vote. Tomorrow on Election Day is the LAST CHANCE TO VOTE!

Polls continue to indicate that Texas is a toss-up - so many key races across Texas are expected to be extremely close! This election will come down to turnout on Election Day - we need all Christians to vote!

We must ensure that Texans choose God-honoring candidates that will fight to uphold the biblical values of life, religious freedom, and marriage & family. We encourage you to use our 2020 General Election Faith & Family Endorsements and view your personalized Texas Voter guide - and then get out and vote.

From President Donald Trump & Vice President Mike Pence to Congressional races like Chip Roy (CD 21) to Texas House races like Carrie Isaac (HD 45) to State Board of Education races like Lani Popp (SBOE 5), our endorsed candidates are committed to protecting Texas values.


In case you missed the livestream last night, we encourage you to watch Texas Values' Vote Biblical Values Rally and share with your family & friends. It was a huge success and is a great encouragement to Christians on why we must vote biblical values! Speakers at the rally included:

  • Jonathan Saenz, President of Texas Values

  • Pastor Dave Welch, Founder & President of Texas Pastor Council

  • Rick Green, Wallbuilders & Patriot Academy 

  • Pastor Steve Riggle, Senior Pastor of Grace Church

  • Pastor Jorge Tovar, Pastor of Jordan River Church

  • Ann Hettinger, State Director of CWA of Texas

  • Joseph Backholm, Family Research Council

We thank the partners for the event – Texas Pastor Council, Concerned Women for America of Texas, Family Research Council, Wallbuilders, and for the gracious hosts at Grace Church at The Woodlands!

Please make sure you get out and vote tomorrow on Election Day. As Christians, we must be committed to our highest calling of honoring God with every part of our life – including voting biblically!


Texas Values Action is the 501(c)(4) advocacy arm of Texas Values, a non-profit organization dedicated to standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas. Copyright © 2020 Texas Values Action, All rights reserved.



Texas Values Action
900 Congress Ave.
Suite L115
Austin, Texas 78701
(512) 478-2220