Team, I’m reaching out for emergency support to help Democrat and current governor Steve Bullock win his U.S. Senate race in Montana tomorrow.

You may remember we need to flip four Senate seats from red to blue in order to take back the Senate from Mitch McConnell.

Well, this race is in a dead heat and could be decided by a very small number of votes: almost every single poll shows Steve’s campaign statistically tied with his Republican opponent.

That’s why McConnell's super PAC is spending millions of dollars to attack Steve at the very last minute. Steve’s Republican opponent and outside groups have spent nearly $56 million on attack ads in Montana, while Steve refuses money from corporate PACs and chooses to rely on grassroots support from folks like you.

This is one of the tightest Senate races in the country, and if we can come together and help put Steve over the top tomorrow, we can end McConnell’s Senate majority and give Montana a tried and true leader for the people.

So, with less than 24 hours until Election Day, can you split a grassroots contribution of any amount to my and Steve’s campaigns right now to help us win and take back the Senate tomorrow?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will be automatically processed and split between Steve Bullock and Cory Booker:

Every dollar matters and every vote counts.

Thanks for coming through for me and other Democratic candidates across the country working to move our country forward.

— Cory