Dear friend,
The time has come to tell state and federal lawmakers that we care about criminal justice reform — and we tell them by how we vote. We are powerful when we vote!
Voting in local, state, and federal elections is important advocacy work, because leaders at every level have a hand in our justice system. Lawmakers in Congress and state capitols can create lengthy sentences — or reform them. Sheriffs and district attorneys can help fill prisons or jails – or support policies that keep families together. Governors can grant clemency and reunite loved ones — or do nothing and keep them apart. If we want reform, we need to be informed and vote for people who will seek and support it.
Changing sentencing and prison policies starts with picking leaders who will support reform — and that comes down to voting.
Your vote matters, so get to the polls and be a #JusticeVoter this year!

Molly Gill
Vice President of Policy, FAMM