News from Representative Allred

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November 2, 2020

Dear John,

In the ten years since it was established, the Affordable Care Act has increased access to health care for so many North Texans, including those with pre-existing conditions. That is why I have made it my top priority in Congress to protect your health care against attacks from this Administration, improve the law, increase access and lower costs across the board.

I am writing today to let you know that the Affordable Care Act open enrollment period has begun and will continue until December 15. This is a time for those who are new to the Affordable Care Act marketplace to sign up for a health care plan, and for current users to compare and change their plans. Visit to get started!


Since my first day in Congress, I have been leading the effort to protect your health care from those who want to rip it away, including to fight back against this Administration’s partisan lawsuit to repeal the entirety of the Affordable Care Act in federal court. I’ve also cosponsored bills like the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Enhancement Act to lower costs, further secure protections for people with pre-existing conditions, negotiate lower drug prices and expand coverage.

Protecting North Texans’ health care has been my top priority since my first day in Congress and I will continue to fight to make sure families have access to affordable health care.

If you need help with a federal agency or have questions, please contact my office at 972-972-7949, or send me an email. For coronavirus information and resources on federal assistance as it relates to the pandemic, please visit



Colin Allred
Member of Congress


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