Web Version:
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This October issue of the library newsletter includes Irish publications and international evidence
resources related to drugs, alcohol and tobacco. You can also continue to browse our online Covid-19
collection [
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To view our entire collection of research and access our resources visit www.drugsandalcohol.ie [
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Irish-related publications
Research papers on spent convictions.
Ireland. Department of Justice and Equality, Research and Data Analytics Unit. Swirak, Katharina and
Forde, Louise (2020) Research papers on spent convictions. Dublin: Department of Justice and
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Drug poisoning deaths among women: a scoping review.
Lynn, Ena and Doyle, Anne and Keane, Martin and Bennett, Kathleen and Cousins, Gráinne (2020) Drug
poisoning deaths among women: a scoping review. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs , 81 , (5) ,
pp. 543-555. [link removed].
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Rapid assessment and community response to suicide and suspected suicide in Dublin South. Summary
S3 Solutions Ltd, HSE National Office of Suicide Prevention. (2020) Rapid assessment and community
response to suicide and suspected suicide in Dublin South. Summary report. Dublin: Health Service
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Building the capacity for the evaluation of social prescribing: an evaluability assessment.
S3 Solutions. (2020) Building the capacity for the evaluation of social prescribing: an evaluability
assessment. Dublin: Health Service Executive and Department of Health.
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Drug-related medical hospital admissions during and after a period of head shop expansion.
Smyth, Bobby P and O'Farrell, Anne and Cullen, Walter (2020) Drug-related medical hospital
admissions during and after a period of head shop expansion. European Journal of Public Health ,
Early online .
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A critical review of the role of the cannabinoid compounds Δ-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ-THC) and
cannabidiol (CBD) and their combination in multiple sclerosis treatment.
Jones, Éamon and Vlachou, Styliani (2020) A critical review of the role of the cannabinoid compounds
Δ-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ-THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) and their combination in multiple sclerosis
treatment. Molecules , 25 , (21) .
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Factors associated with lower knowledge of HIV and STI transmission, testing and treatment among MSM
in Ireland: findings from the MSM Internet Survey Ireland (MISI) 2015.
Carey, Cian and O'Donnell, Kate and Davoren, Martin and Quinlan, Mick and Igoe, Derval and Barrett,
Peter (2020) Factors associated with lower knowledge of HIV and STI transmission, testing and
treatment among MSM in Ireland: findings from the MSM Internet Survey Ireland (MISI) 2015. Sexually
Transmitted Infections , Early online .
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Global burden of 87 risk factors in 204 countries and territories, 1990–2019: a systematic analysis
for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019.
GBD 2019 Risk Factors Collaborators. (2020) Global burden of 87 risk factors in 204 countries and
territories, 1990–2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. The
Lancet , 396 , (10258) , pp. 1223-1249. DOI:[link removed](20)30752-2.
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Systematic review of clinician-reported barriers to provision of brief advice for alcohol intake in
hospital inpatient and emergency settings.
Gargaritano, Kristine Lou and Murphy, Caoimhe and Auyeung, Austin B and Doyle, Frank (2020)
Systematic review of clinician-reported barriers to provision of brief advice for alcohol intake in
hospital inpatient and emergency settings. Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research , Early
online .
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Calls for a crackdown on 'dial-a-drink' Facebook pages.
(2020) Calls for a crackdown on 'dial-a-drink' Facebook pages. Dublin: Newstalk.com.
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Drug and tobacco smuggling.
Revenue Commissioners. (2019) Drug and tobacco smuggling. URL:
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Covid-19 estimating the burden of symptomatic disease in the community and the impact of public
health measures on physical, mental and social wellbeing: a study protocol.
Troya, M Isabela et al (2020) Covid-19 estimating the burden of symptomatic disease in the community
and the impact of public health measures on physical, mental and social wellbeing: a study protocol.
HRB Open Research, 3 , p.49. DOI: 10.12688/hrbopenres.13103.1.
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How research impacts on health policy in Ireland: a case study of alcohol and drug policy.
Grealish, Helen (2020) How research impacts on health policy in Ireland: a case study of alcohol and
drug policy. PhD thesis, National University of Ireland Galway.
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A rapid review of Irish Traveller mental health and suicide: a psychosocial and anthropological
McKey, S and Quirke, B and Fitzpatrick, P and Kelleher, CC and Malone, KM (2020) A rapid review of
Irish Traveller mental health and suicide: a psychosocial and anthropological perspective. Irish
Journal of Psychological Medicine , Early online .
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Social work students on the island of Ireland: a cross-sectional survey.
McCarten, Claire et al (2020) Social work students on the island of Ireland: a cross-sectional
survey. Social Work Education , Early online . [link removed].
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Introduction of standardised packaging and availability of illicit cigarettes: a
difference-in-difference analysis of European Union survey data 2015-2018.
Laverty, Anthony A and Millett, Christopher and Hopkinson, Nicholas S and Filippidis, Filippos
(2020) Introduction of standardised packaging and availability of illicit cigarettes: a
difference-in-difference analysis of European Union survey data 2015-2018. Thorax , Early online .
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Electronic cigarette use among 14- to 17-year-olds in Europe.
Kinnunen, Jaana M et al (2020) Electronic cigarette use among 14- to 17-year-olds in Europe.
European Journal of Public Health , Early online .
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Cybercrime: current threats and responses a review of the research literature.
Brady, Sheelagh and Heinl, Caitríona (2020) Cybercrime: current threats and responses a review of
the research literature. Dublin: Department of Justice and Equality.
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Negotiating uncertainty and earning respect: a qualitative, longitudinal study of young people
ageing out of state care in Ireland.
Glynn, Natalie (2020) Negotiating uncertainty and earning respect: a qualitative, longitudinal study
of young people ageing out of state care in Ireland. PhD thesis, Trinity College Dublin.
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The problem gambling podcast. Season two.
Grant, Barry and O'Reilly, Tony (2020) The problem gambling podcast. Season two.
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Electronic cigarette use and tobacco cigarette smoking initiation in adolescents: an evidence
O'Brien, Doireann and Long, Jean and Lee, Caitriona and McCarthy, Anne and Quigley, Joan (2020)
Electronic cigarette use and tobacco cigarette smoking initiation in adolescents: an evidence
review. Dublin: Health Research Board.
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Harms and benefits of e-cigarettes and heat-not-burn tobacco products: a literature map.
McCarthy, Anne and Lee, Caitriona and O'Brien, Doireann and Long, Jean (2020) Harms and benefits of
e-cigarettes and heat-not-burn tobacco products: a literature map. Dublin: Health Research Board.
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Electronic cigarettes and smoking cessation: an evidence review.
Quigley, Joan and Kennelly, Helen and Lee, Caitriona and O'Brien, Doireann and Williams, Michelle
and McCarthy, Anne and Long, Jean (2020) Electronic cigarettes and smoking cessation: an evidence
review. Dublin: Health Research Board.
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Operation Encompass Ireland.
Alcohol Action Ireland. (2020) Operation Encompass Ireland. Dublin: Alcohol Action Ireland.
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A study of the clinical impact and outcomes of pharmacist-led interventions in the outpatient model
of care for Hepatitis C patients in Ireland and their development into a novel complex intervention
Coghlan, Miriam (2020) A study of the clinical impact and outcomes of pharmacist-led interventions
in the outpatient model of care for Hepatitis C patients in Ireland and their development into a
novel complex intervention toolkit. PhD thesis, Trinity College Dublin.
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Children who live in disadvantaged areas: a case study of the health and well-being perceptions and
experiences of school-aged children and their families.
Hollywood, Eleanor (2020) Children who live in disadvantaged areas: a case study of the health and
well-being perceptions and experiences of school-aged children and their families. PhD thesis,
Trinity College Dublin.
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National student mental health and suicide prevention framework.
Fox, Treasa and Byrne, Deirdre (2020) National student mental health and suicide prevention
framework. Dublin: Higher Education Authority.
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Young people's understandings of youth suicide: a qualitative study.
Labor, Melanie (2020) Young people's understandings of youth suicide: a qualitative study. PhD
thesis, Trinity College.
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Sex worker lives under the law. A community engaged study of access to health and justice in
McGarry, Kathryn and Ryan, Paul (2020) Sex worker lives under the law. A community engaged study of
access to health and justice in Ireland. Dublin: HIV Ireland.
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The context and circumstances of early sexual initiation among adolescents in Ireland: a mixed
methods investigation.
Burke, Lorraine (2020) The context and circumstances of early sexual initiation among adolescents in
Ireland: a mixed methods investigation. PhD thesis, National University of Ireland Galway.
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Citywide pre-budget Submission.
[Citywide] Citywide pre-budget Submission. (15 Oct 2020)
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GHDx: Global Health Data exchange.
Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation. (2020) GHDx: Global Health Data exchange.
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OECD health stats 2020.
OECD. (2020) OECD health stats 2020.
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Deliver change on drink deliveries.
(2020) Deliver change on drink deliveries. Alcohol forum.
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Statistical yearbook of Ireland 2020.
Central Statistics Office. (2020) Statistical yearbook of Ireland 2020. Cork: Central Statistics
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Novas annual report 2019.
Novas. (2020) Novas annual report 2019. Dublin: Novas.
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Revenue Commissioners annual report 2019.
Revenue Commissioners. (2020) Revenue Commissioners annual report 2019. Dublin: Revenue
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Department of Defence and Defence Forces annual report 2019.
Ireland. Department of Defence. (2020) Department of Defence and Defence Forces annual report 2019.
Kildare: Department of Defence.
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Jigsaw annual report and financial statements 2019.
Jigsaw. (2020) Jigsaw annual report and financial statements 2019. Dublin: Jigsaw.
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Peter McVerry Trust annual report 2019.
Peter McVerry Trust. (2020) Peter McVerry Trust annual report 2019. Dublin: Peter McVerry Trust.
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Tobacco Free Ireland end of year report 2019.
Ireland. Department of Health. (2020) Tobacco Free Ireland end of year report 2019. Dublin:
Department of Health.
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Health Service Executive annual report and financial statements 2019.
Health Service Executive. (2020) Health Service Executive annual report and financial statements
2019. Dublin: Health Service Executive.
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Research focus: families, alcohol and covid-19.
(2020) Research focus: families, alcohol and covid-19. URL:
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Health Products Regulatory Authority annual report 2019.
Health Products Regulatory Authority. (2020) Health Products Regulatory Authority annual report
2019. Dublin: Health Products Regulatory Authority.
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HIV Ireland annual report 2019.
HIV Ireland. (2020) HIV Ireland annual report 2019. Dublin: HIV Ireland.
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BelongTo youth services annual report 2019.
BeLonG To Youth Services. (2020) BelongTo youth services annual report 2019. Dublin: Belong To Youth
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Legal Aid Board annual report 2019
Legal Aid Board. (2020) Legal Aid Board annual report 2019. Dublin: Legal Aid Board.
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Combatting the Big Tobacco hydra in sport: another case of alibi marketing through false flag
Houghton, Frank and O'Doherty, Diane and Duncan, Bruce and Meaney, Claire (2020) Combatting the Big
Tobacco hydra in sport: another case of alibi marketing through false flag advertising. mir
[Internet] , 28 , (113) , pp. 199-204.
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EU tobacco controls & the importance of gender: time to ban slim & superslim cigarettes.
Houghton, Frank and Moran Stritch, Margaret J and O'Doherty, Diane and McInerney, Derek (2020) EU
tobacco controls & the importance of gender: time to ban slim & superslim cigarettes. Malta Journal
of Health Sciences , 7 , (1) . DOI: 10.14614/TOBACCOGENDER/6/20.
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An unusual burn injury caused by an e-cigarette.
Quinlan, CS and McQuade, C and Egan, A and Cronin, K (2020) An unusual burn injury caused by an
e-cigarette. Irish Medical Journal , 113 , (9) , p. 187.
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Analysis of submissions to the EU's public consultation on tobacco traceability and security
Gallagher, Allen William Andrew and Evans-Reeves, Karen and Joshi, Ayush and Hatchard, Jenny and
Gilmore, Anna B (2020) Analysis of submissions to the EU's public consultation on tobacco
traceability and security features. Tobacco Control , Early online . doi:
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International publications
Moving beyond 'people first' language: a glossary of contested terms in substance use.
Scottish Drugs Forum. (2020) Moving beyond 'people first' language: a glossary of contested terms in
substance use. Glasgow: Scottish Drugs Forum.
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Global state of harm reduction 2020.
Harm Reduction International. (2020) Global state of harm reduction 2020. London: Harm Reduction
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Current NPS threats volume III.
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. (2020) Current NPS threats volume III. Vienna: United
Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.
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Synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonists (SCRA). An updated harms assessment and a review of
classification and scheduling under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 and its Regulations.
Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs. (2020) Synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonists (SCRA). An
updated harms assessment and a review of classification and scheduling under the Misuse of Drugs Act
1971 and its Regulations. London: Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs.
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Pregnancy and substance use: a harm reduction toolkit.
Kurzer-Yashin, Dana and Sue, Kimberly , eds. (2020) Pregnancy and substance use: a harm reduction
toolkit. New York: National Harm Reduction Coalition.
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Trends in the psychosocial characteristics of 11-15-year-olds who still drink, smoke, take drugs and
engage in poly-substance use in England.
Oldham, Melissa et al (2020) Trends in the psychosocial characteristics of 11-15-year-olds who still
drink, smoke, take drugs and engage in poly-substance use in England. Drug and Alcohol Review . doi:
[link removed]
Characteristics of people who used the Melbourne and Sydney medically supervised injecting
facilities surveyed in the Illicit Drug Reporting System 2019.
Fetene, D and Hall, C and Dietze, Paul (2020) Characteristics of people who used the Melbourne and
Sydney medically supervised injecting facilities surveyed in the Illicit Drug Reporting System 2019.
Sydney: National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, UNSW Sydney.
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Drug crime: statistics for England and Wales.
Allen, Grahame and Kirk-Wade, Esme (2020) Drug crime: statistics for England and Wales. London:
House of Commons Library.
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Drug-related hospital statistics: substance use.
Public Health Scotland. Drug-related hospital statistics: substance use. URL:
[link removed]... Date Accessed: 27 Oct 2020
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Characteristics of patients in treatment for alcohol and drug addiction who succeed in changing
smoking, weight, and physical activity: a secondary analysis of an RCT on combined lifestyle
Rasmussen, Mette and Hovhannisyan, Karen and Adami, Johanna and Tønnesen, Hanne (2020)
Characteristics of patients in treatment for alcohol and drug addiction who succeed in changing
smoking, weight, and physical activity: a secondary analysis of an RCT on combined lifestyle
interventions. European Addiction Research , pp. 1-8. doi: 10.1159/000510608.
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A cluster feasibility trial to explore the uptake and use of e-cigarettes versus usual care offered
to smokers attending homeless centres in Great Britain.
Dawkins, Lynne et al (2020) A cluster feasibility trial to explore the uptake and use of
e-cigarettes versus usual care offered to smokers attending homeless centres in Great Britain. PloS
one, 15, (10), e0240968.
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Annual Statistics from the National Gambling Treatment Service (Great Britain).
ViewItUK. (2020) Annual Statistics from the National Gambling Treatment Service (Great Britain).
London: Gambleaware.
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Severe harm from others' drinking: a population-based study on sex differences and the role of one's
own drinking habits.
Sundin, Erica and Galanti, Maria Rosaria and Landberg, Jonas and Ramstedt, Mats (2020) Severe harm
from others' drinking: a population-based study on sex differences and the role of one's own
drinking habits. Drug and Alcohol Review , Early online . [link removed].
[link removed]
Implementing alcohol policies in the Commonwealth of Independent States: a workshop of “First Mover”
World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe. (2020) Implementing alcohol policies in the
Commonwealth of Independent States: a workshop of “First Mover” countries. Copenhagan: WHO Regional
Office for Europe.
[link removed]
The potential health impact of an alcohol minimum unit price in Québec: an application of the
international model of alcohol harms and policies.
Sherk, Adam and Stockwell, Tim and April, Nicole and Churchill, Samuel and Sorge, Justin and
Gamache, Philippe (2020) The potential health impact of an alcohol minimum unit price in Québec: an
application of the international model of alcohol harms and policies. Journal of Studies on Alcohol
and Drugs , 81 , (5) , pp. 631-640. [link removed].
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Impact of low and no alcohol beers on purchases of alcohol: interrupted time series analysis of
British household shopping data, 2015-2018.
Anderson, Peter and Jané Llopis, Eva and O'Donnell, Amy and Manthey, Jakob and Rehm, Jürgen (2020)
Impact of low and no alcohol beers on purchases of alcohol: interrupted time series analysis of
British household shopping data, 2015-2018. BMJ Open , 10 , (10) , e036371. DOI:
[link removed]
Time trends and prescribing patterns of opioid drugs in UK primary care patients with non-cancer
pain: A retrospective cohort study.
Jani, Meghna and Birlie Yimer, Belay and Sheppard, Therese and Lunt, Mark and Dixon, William G
(2020) Time trends and prescribing patterns of opioid drugs in UK primary care patients with
non-cancer pain: A retrospective cohort study. PLoS Medicine , 17 , (10) , e1003270.
[link removed].
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Positive choices. Drug and alcohol information.
Positive Choices. (2020) Positive choices. Drug and alcohol information. URL:
[link removed]
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Use of e-cigarettes (vapes) among adults in Great Britain.
Action on Smoking and Health. (2020) Use of e-cigarettes (vapes) among adults in Great Britain.
London: ASH.
[link removed]
Introduction of standardised packaging and availability of illicit cigarettes: a
difference-in-difference analysis of European Union survey data 2015-2018.
Laverty, Anthony A and Millett, Christopher and Hopkinson, Nicholas S and Filippidis, Filippos
(2020) Introduction of standardised packaging and availability of illicit cigarettes: a
difference-in-difference analysis of European Union survey data 2015-2018. Thorax , Early online .
[link removed]
Clinical question: How does bupropion compare with placebo for promoting smoking cessation in
adolescents and adults?
Livingstone-Banks, Jonathan (2020) Clinical question: How does bupropion compare with placebo for
promoting smoking cessation in adolescents and adults? Cochrane Clinical Answers . DOI:
[link removed]
The social supply of pharmaceutical opioids.
Sullivan, Tom and Voce, Isabella (2020) The social supply of pharmaceutical opioids. Canberra:
Australian Institute of Criminology. Statistical Bulletin no. 20.
[link removed]
Unlinked anonymous monitoring (UAM) survey of HIV and viral hepatitis among PWID: 2020 report.
Public Health England. (2020) Unlinked anonymous monitoring (UAM) survey of HIV and viral hepatitis
among PWID: 2020 report. London: Public Health England. Health Protection Report 14(8).
[link removed]
Bringing substance use care into your primary care practice.
British Columbia Centre on Substance Use. (2020) Bringing substance use care into your primary care
practice. British Columbia Centre on Substance Use.
[link removed]
How and why vendors sell on cryptomarkets.
Munksgaard, Rasmus and Martin, James (2020) How and why vendors sell on cryptomarkets. Trends &
Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice , (608) , 12 p..
[link removed]
The relationship between drug price and purity and population level harm.
Hughes, Caitlin and Hulme, Shann and Ritter, Alison (2020) The relationship between drug price and
purity and population level harm. Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology. Trends & issues in
crime and criminal justice no. 598.
[link removed]
What are the characteristics of effective youth offender programs?
Pooley, Kamarah (2020) What are the characteristics of effective youth offender programs? Canberra:
Australian Institute of Criminology. Trends & issues in crime and criminal justice no. 604.
[link removed]
The price elasticity of demand for illicit drugs: a systematic review.
Payne, Jason and Manning, Matthew and Fleming, Christopher and Pham, Hien-Thuc (2020) The price
elasticity of demand for illicit drugs: a systematic review. Canberra: Australian Institute of
Criminology. Trends & issues in crime and criminal justice no. 606.
[link removed]
Street-level drug law enforcement: an updated meta-analytic review.
Mazerolle, Lorraine and Eggins, Elizabeth and Higginson, Angela (2020) Street-level drug law
enforcement: an updated meta-analytic review. Canberra: Australian Institute of Criminology. Trends
& issues in crime and criminal justice no,599.
[link removed]
Drug-related homicide in Europe: data protocol, Technical report.
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2020) Drug-related homicide in Europe:
data protocol, Technical report. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European
[link removed]
The impact of arrest and seizure on drug crime and harms: a systematic review.
Eggins, Elizabeth and Hine, Lorelei and Higginson, Angela and Mazerolle, Lorraine (2020) The impact
of arrest and seizure on drug crime and harms: a systematic review. Canberra: Australian Institute
of Criminology. Trends & Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice no.602.
[link removed]
Increase in drug overdose deaths involving cocaine: United States, 2009–2018.
Hedegaard, Holly and Spencer, Merianne Rose and Garnett, Matthew F (2020) Increase in drug overdose
deaths involving cocaine: United States, 2009–2018. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health
Statistics. NCHS Data Brief no. 384.
[link removed]
Rates of alcohol-induced deaths among adults aged 25 and over in urban and rural areas: United
States, 2000–2018.
Spencer, Merianne Rose and Curtin, Sally C and Hedegaard, Holly (2020) Rates of alcohol-induced
deaths among adults aged 25 and over in urban and rural areas: United States, 2000–2018.
Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics. NCHS Data Brief 383.
[link removed]
College student knowledge of blackouts and implications for alcohol intervention: a qualitative
Miller, Mary Beth and Merrill, Jennifer E and Singh, Samyukta and DiBello, Angelo M and Carey, Kate
B (2018) College student knowledge of blackouts and implications for alcohol intervention: a
qualitative analysis. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors , 32 , (8) , pp. 933-943. doi:
[link removed]
Investigating the need for alcohol harm reduction and managed alcohol programs for people
experiencing homelessness and alcohol use disorders in Scotland.
Carver, Hannah and Parkes, Tessa and Browne, Tania and Matheson, Catriona and Pauly, Bernie (2020)
Investigating the need for alcohol harm reduction and managed alcohol programs for people
experiencing homelessness and alcohol use disorders in Scotland. Drug and Alcohol Review .
[link removed].
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ASSIST-Lite screening tool: how to use.
Public Health England. (2020) ASSIST-Lite screening tool: how to use.
[link removed]
How do we talk about alcohol?
Alcohol Change UK. (2020) How do we talk about alcohol? Policy Insights .
[link removed]
Comparing responses to public health and industry-funded alcohol harm reduction advertisements: an
experimental study.
Brennan, Emily and Shoenaker, Danielle AJ and Durkin, Sarah J and Dunestone, Kimberly and Dixon,
Helen G and Slater, Michael D and Pettigrew, Simone and Wakefield, Melanie A (2020) Comparing
responses to public health and industry-funded alcohol harm reduction advertisements: an
experimental study. BMJ Open , 10 , (9) . doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-035569.
[link removed]
Shifts in alcohol consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic: early indications from Australia.
Callinan, Sarah and Smit, Koen and Mojica-Perez, Yvette and D'Aquino, Simon and Moore, David and
Kuntsche, Emmanuel (2020) Shifts in alcohol consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic: early
indications from Australia. Addiction , Early online . doi: 10.1111/add.15275.
[link removed]
Changes in adult alcohol use and consequences during the COVID-19 pandemic in the US.
Pollard, Michael S and Tucker, Joan S and Green, Harold D (2020) Changes in adult alcohol use and
consequences during the COVID-19 pandemic in the US. JAMA Network Open , 3 , (9) , e2022942.
[link removed]
Addressing the syndemic of HIV, hepatitis c, overdose, and COVID-19 among people who use drugs: the
potential roles for decriminalization and safe supply.
Bonn, Matthew and Palayew, Adam and Bartlett, Sofia and Brothers, Thomas D and Touesnard, Natasha
and Tyndall, Mark (2020) Addressing the syndemic of HIV, hepatitis c, overdose, and COVID-19 among
people who use drugs: the potential roles for decriminalization and safe supply. Journal of Studies
on Alcohol and Drugs , 81 , (5) , pp. 556-560. [link removed].
[link removed]
COVID-19 survey among people who use drugs in three cities in Norway.
Welle-Strand, Gabrielle K and Skurtveit, Svetlana and Clausen, Thomas and Sundal, Christine and
Gjersing, Linn (2020) COVID-19 survey among people who use drugs in three cities in Norway. Drug and
Alcohol Dependence , 217 , p. 108302.
[link removed]
How the Covid-19 pandemic is fast-tracking the move to digital platforms within addiction services.
NHS Addictions Provider Alliance. (2020) How the Covid-19 pandemic is fast-tracking the move to
digital platforms within addiction services. NHSAPA Blog .
[link removed]
Mental health and health behaviours before and during the initial phase of the COVID-19 lockdown:
longitudinal analyses of the UK Household Longitudinal Study.
Niedzwiedz, Claire L et al (2020) Mental health and health behaviours before and during the initial
phase of the COVID-19 lockdown: longitudinal analyses of the UK Household Longitudinal Study.
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, Early online . doi: 10.1136/jech-2020-215060.
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Illicit drug data report 2018–19.
Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission. (2020) Illicit drug data report 2018–19. Canberra:
Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission.
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Community Matters: lessons from a Bridging the Gaps research programme.
AFEW Kyrgyzstan, Rumah Cemara, University of Pretoria, South African Network of People who Use
Drugs, International Network of People who use Drugs, Mainline, AFEW International, King’s College
London. (2020) Community Matters: lessons from a Bridging the Gaps research programme. INPUD.
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'Ketamine is big here': why Bristol University is testing drugs for its students.
[The Guardian] , Hall, Rachel 'Ketamine is big here': why Bristol University is testing drugs for
its students. (29 Oct 2020)
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Cannabis plan for State-owned bogs goes up in smoke.
[Irish Times] , Hutton, Brian Cannabis plan for State-owned bogs goes up in smoke. (27 Oct 2020)
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Women advised to moderate alcohol consumption over breast cancer fears.
[Extra.ie] , Costello, Emma Women advised to moderate alcohol consumption over breast cancer fears.
(25 Oct 2020)
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Call for drugs to be 'nationalised' and legally sold in Government-run pharmacies.
[newstalk.com] , Staines, Michael Call for drugs to be 'nationalised' and legally sold in
Government-run pharmacies. (24 Oct 2020)
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Learning points: Teens' alcohol attitudes are deadly serious.
[Irish Examiner] , Hogan, Richard Learning points: Teens' alcohol attitudes are deadly serious. (22
Oct 2020)
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Surge in alcohol-related calls to HSE helpline.
[Irish Examiner] , O'Keeffe, Cormac Surge in alcohol-related calls to HSE helpline. (20 Oct 2020)
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Pot of gold — Irish farmers seeking law change to get in on medical cannabis trade.
[Extra.ie] , Bruce, Helen Pot of gold — Irish farmers seeking law change to get in on medical
cannabis trade. (18 Oct 2020)
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Drug testing at music festivals to receive funding under Budget 2021.
[Irish Examiner] , O'Keeffe, Cormac Drug testing at music festivals to receive funding under Budget
2021. (16 Oct 2020)
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Revenue seizures of illicit drugs surge in first half of year.
[Irish Times] , Lally, Conor Revenue seizures of illicit drugs surge in first half of year. (16 Oct
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Just how widespread and pervasive is alcohol in children’s lives?
[Alcohol Action Ireland] Just how widespread and pervasive is alcohol in children’s lives? (15 Oct
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Citywide pre-budget Submission.
[Citywide] Citywide pre-budget Submission. (15 Oct 2020)
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Budget 2021: €4 billion to protect, reform and expand health and social care services and implement
universal healthcare.
Ireland. Department of Health. [Department of Health] Budget 2021: €4 billion to protect, reform and
expand health and social care services and implement universal healthcare. (14 Oct 2020)
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Children as young as 15 losing 'vast amounts of money' to online gambling.
[newstalk.com] , Staines, Michael Children as young as 15 losing 'vast amounts of money' to online
gambling. (13 Oct 2020)
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Alcohol Action Ireland welcome NO reduction in alcohol excise duties in Budget 2021; regret
alcohol’s continued affordability.
[Alcohol Action Ireland] Alcohol Action Ireland welcome NO reduction in alcohol excise duties in
Budget 2021; regret alcohol’s continued affordability. (13 Oct 2020)
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New Health Research Board evidence shows e-cigarettes are associated with adolescents starting to
smoke tobacco cigarettes.
Health Research Board. [Health Research Board] New Health Research Board evidence shows e-cigarettes
are associated with adolescents starting to smoke tobacco cigarettes. (12 Oct 2020)
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No starting date set for minimum unit pricing on alcohol.
[Irish Times] , O'Halloran, Marie No starting date set for minimum unit pricing on alcohol. (12 Oct
[link removed]
More young people addicted to online gambling.
[Independent.ie] , Edwards, Rodney More young people addicted to online gambling. (12 Oct 2020)
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The Drunkenness (Ireland) Bill 1905: ‘Needlessly offensive to every Irishman’.
[Irish Times] , Ruxton, Dean The Drunkenness (Ireland) Bill 1905: ‘Needlessly offensive to every
Irishman’. (11 Oct 2020)
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Vintners call for minimum unit pricing on off-licence sales 'to curb house party outbreaks'.
[thejournal.ie] , MacNamee, Gareth Vintners call for minimum unit pricing on off-licence sales 'to
curb house party outbreaks'. (10 Oct 2020)
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Minister McEntee launches public consultation process on Spent Convictions Policy.
[Department of Justice and Equality] Minister McEntee launches public consultation process on Spent
Convictions Policy. (07 Oct 2020)
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Placing restrictions now on alcohol sales is a prudent act.
[Alcohol Action Ireland] Placing restrictions now on alcohol sales is a prudent act. (07 Oct 2020)
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Minister for Public Health and Wellbeing publishes guidance for drug and alcohol support groups and
treatment programmes.
[Department of Health] Minister for Public Health and Wellbeing publishes guidance for drug and
alcohol support groups and treatment programmes. (06 Oct 2020)
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Steroid use continues to grow - despite closure of gyms and Covid lockdown.
[Independent.ie] , Schiller, Robin Steroid use continues to grow - despite closure of gyms and Covid
lockdown. (05 Oct 2020)
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How do we save children from a life of crime?
[Irish Examiner] , O'Keeffe, Cormac How do we save children from a life of crime? (05 Oct 2020)
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Massive drug profits fuelling violence in communities.
[Irish Examiner] , O'Keeffe, Cormac Massive drug profits fuelling violence in communities. (02 Oct
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Lack of detection equipment hampering drug-driving battle.
[Irish Examiner] , Woulfe, Jimmy Lack of detection equipment hampering drug-driving battle. (02 Oct
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We need to talk about Ireland's problem with alcohol.
[RTE Brainstorm] , Martyn, Fiona We need to talk about Ireland's problem with alcohol. (01 Oct 2020)
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Dail Debates
Oireachtas debates
Dail Eireann debate. Gangland crime [32018/20]. [
[link removed]
] (22 Oct 2020)
Dail Eireann debate. Financial Resolution No. 7: general (resumed). [
[link removed]
] (14 Oct 2020)
Joint Committee on Health debate. Update on Sláintecare. [
[link removed]
] (14 Oct 2020)
Dail Eireann debate. Financial resolution no. 1: Tobacco products tax. [
[link removed]
] (13 Oct 2020)
Dáil Éireann debate. Questions on promised legislation [Task Forces]. [
[link removed]
] (08 Oct 2020)
Joint Committee on Education, Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science debate.
[link removed]
] (08 Oct 2020)
Joint Committee on Health debate. Review of mental health services: discussion. [
[link removed]
] (07 Oct 2020)
Dail Eireann debate. Drug and Alcohol Task Forces. [
[link removed]
] (01 Oct 2020)
Dail Eireann debate. Alcohol pricing. [
[link removed]
] (29 Sep 2020)
See all debates
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