Here is our vision for a renewed partnership between Ottawa and Quebec //


Today, we unveiled our vision for a renewed partnership between Ottawa and Quebec.

Like Jack Layton and Thomas Mulcair did before him, Jagmeet is extending a hand to Quebec and making a commitment to build a more prosperous, sustainable, and just society for Quebecers, thanks to an assumed asymmetrical federalism.

Together For Quebec is our vision for a strong Quebec. It is based on the values that have inspired the progressive New Democrat movement for decades. This is the vision of a federal government that works in partnership with Quebec so it can reach its full potential.

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The NDP wants a future where Quebec’s national character is not only recognized with fine words and great speeches, but with specific powers and special flexibility. That’s why, we are committed, among other things, to giving Quebec the right to withdraw from federal programs with financial compensation, to consulting Quebec on any international trade agreement, and to make federally regulated companies in Quebec subject to Bill 101.

For decades, successive Liberal and Conservative governments have adopted a unilateral and paternalistic approach toward the Government of Quebec. It’s time for a new era where Ottawa is a partner, rather than the one giving orders.

Quebec has all the potential to shine even more brightly. All it needs is a real ally in Ottawa. Jagmeet Singh’s NDP will be that ally.



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New Democratic Party of Canada

300-279 Laurier West, Ottawa, ON, K1P5J9 | 1-866-525-2555
