Because This Is America! Weekly News, Updates, and Events We As Democrats Believe:
"Our challenge is to mobilize a new coalition of conscience to restore the Voting Rights Act, strengthen voting rights and broaden voter access in the legislatures of the 50 states."
Martin Luther King III
Suggest a future quote?: Click here to send to the Editor NEWS Trump/Pence COVID-Spreading Campaign Makes a Stop in Wilmington
As is typical for Trump and Pence flurry of last-minute rallies, the audience was packed together with few members of the crowd wearing masks. The event came within two weeks of at least five people in Vice President Mike Pence's orbit testing positive for coronavirus, including his chief of staff Marc Short. The appearance clearly violates guidelines set by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Click here for a WWAY story on Pence's visit. Judge Reuben Young Seeks to Retain Seat on Court of Appeals
Judge Young began his legal career in Austin, Texas where he worked as a prosecutor, assistant attorney general, and a private practitioner. When he returned to North Carolina in 1995, Judge Young worked for the state Department of Justice, specifically the Department of Crime Control and Public Safety for six years. In 2001, Judge Young joined the Governor’s office as Deputy Legal Counsel, and then Chief Legal Counsel. He is a graduate of Howard University in Washington, D.C. and North Carolina Central University School of Law in Durham.
We Need You For GOTV Canvasses And As An Election-Day Poll Greeter
We need you to participate in final Get Out The Vote canvasses by the Coordinated Campaign to flush out Democratic voters who haven’t yet gone to the polls. This is sure to be efficient and effective GOTV because the lists will exclude everyone who has already voted.
Here's the link for training:
And the link to sign up to canvass!
Shannon Schaible reports that thanks to your hard work, blue ballots and candidate lit have gone out to 31,695 doors. Hannah Vaughan picked up the final complete Lit package on Saturday at 5pm. Please distribute any lit that you have picked up before Election Day.
We also need Poll Greeters and Site Captains for 43 precincts on Election Day. You will be handing out blue ballots, and literature and campaign paraphernalia including thousands of Biden stickers that arrived on Friday.
We will hold a no contact sign and blue ballot distribution event at NHCDP HQ, 5041 New Centre Drive, Wilmington today (Monday) at 3 to 6 pm. All precinct Site Captains should plan to pick up signs and blue ballots during those hours, or should designate a volunteer to do so.
Election Day is expected to be cool and sunny, with a high of 64 degrees - close to ideal Fall weather.
Sign up to be a poll greeter or site captain here: NHCDP Office Open 9 to 5 Today and Election Day
The New Hanover County Democratic Party office, which is at 5041 New Centre Drive, Wilmington, 28403, will be staffed on Monday and Tuesday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. After Election Day it will be staffed from Noon to 5 p.m. from November 4th through 8th. Our office phone number is (910) 805-5703. Please wear a mask and observe social distancing. One visitor at a time in the office. Others, please wait in the hall.
Precinct Site Material Pick-up -- November 2
When: Monday, November 2, 3:00 to 6 p.m.
Where: NHCDP Office Parking lot, 3051 New Centre Drive, Wilmington
Each Precinct Captain should pick up Blue Ballots and Yard Signs for the precinct polling place at NHCDP HQ between 3 and 6 pm today, or designate someone to do it for them.
Election Day -- November 3
When: Polls open from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Where: All 43 New Hanover precincts
Please help voters find their way to the correct precinct on Election Day. Unlike Early Voting, on Election Day voters must vote in the precinct where they are registered to vote. Help your friends find the correct precinct. To look up registration information click here:
Election Night Zoom Watch Party -- November 3
When: Tuesday, November 3, 8:00 p.m.
Where: Zoom
Jeff Cohen has agreed to help make this a fun event! Click here to register for the event.
NHCDP Monthly Meeting -- November 16
When: Tuesday, November 16, 6:00 p.m.
Where: Zoom
We will hold a regular monthly meeting on the third Monday in November to discuss the election results and party business. I don't know if we will be celebrating or in the fight of our lives to save our democracy. Either way, we will probably need a meeting. Click here to register.
Best, Richard Poole, Chair News Content by James Cummings If you have any announcements, comments, questions or concerns regarding this email series, please contact the Editor here.