In the Media is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news and opinion and listen to our podcasts on our website.
Support for assisted dying in Scotland has strengthened, five years on from Margo MacDonald's attempt to change the law, with the majority in favour describing themselves as SNP voters, a poll suggests.
Scotland's proposed hate crime legislation would not prevent satirical magazines like Charlie Hebdo poking fun at Islam, the justice secretary has insisted.
Born into the controversial Exclusive Brethren cult that outlaws birthdays, pop music and women wearing trousers or make-up, Jessie Shedden needed every ounce of courage to plan her escape.
French authorities are to deploy 7,000 police officers and soldiers to patrol schools and religious sites in the wake of the attack in Nice in which three people were knifed to death.
French President Emmanuel Macron has said he can understand why Muslims were shocked by controversial cartoons depicting the Islamic prophet Muhammad. But, in an interview with broadcaster Al Jazeera, he said he could never accept the issue justified violence.
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