New York passed one of the most barbaric abortion laws in U.S. history.
Now New York is once again pushing its extreme abortion agenda even further. New York, Planned Parenthood, and California are all suing to strike down a regulation that protects pro-life nurses and doctors from being forced to perform abortions.
This is beyond repulsive. Not only is New York expanding abortion to the moment of birth, they want to force pro-life medical professionals to participate in it.
We’re taking action. We’ve beat New York City on abortion in a major pro-life center case in New York. We’ve soundly defeated California’s attacks on pro-life centers at the Supreme Court. We’re filing briefs in a major case that is likely headed to the Supreme Court that could defund millions of our taxpayer dollars from Planned Parenthood.
We’re also preparing to file new briefs in New York and California federal courts to defend pro-life nurses and doctors from being forced to participate in horrific abortions.
We can win. We can beat back extreme pro-abortion laws. We can help save lives. But we urgently need your Tax-Deductible support before our deadlines. Have your gift DOUBLED today through our July Matching Challenge. Chip in $5 and it becomes $10; $20 becomes $40.
Have Your Gift Doubled Before Our Looming Court Deadlines.
Jay Sekulow
ACLJ Chief Counsel