Force them to cover the story Dear John,
We are fighting back against network and social media censorship by spreading the Biden family corruption news they’re trying to bury. Please take just 60 seconds to make your
voice heard. 
We prepared a petition and letter to go to the top media CEOs in the country including ABC, NBC, CBS, and the CEO of the National Association of Broadcasters and more. CEOs do not like pressure nor controversy. Grassroots forced Pepsi Co. to stop giving money to Black Lives Matter after the CEO was
un-undated with emails and shares on social media. We made it so easy for you through our new Freegrassroots tool which allows you not only to email them but share the action to do the same with your friends on all your social media platform including Facebook and twitter. This is force multiplier!!! They can ignore one person but they cannot ignore one million people posting on their social media. Click on this link to pressure Girl Scouts to honor their mission after retracting their congratulations to Justice Amy Coney Barrett due to pressure from the
mob and bowing to political correctness. Shame. On. Them!!! 
Please share this email with everyone you know. When everyone does a little together we accomplish a lot. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ |