They took on the NRA and won



Hi John,


Joe Biden was a dear friend and ally to Brady's namesakes, Jim and Sarah Brady. After Jim was shot in the 1981 Reagan assassination attempt, then-Sen. Biden joined Jim and Sarah Brady in winning the passage of the Brady Bill as well as a federal assault weapons ban.


Joe Biden has proven he will take on the NRA and win. As President, he and Vice President Kamala Harris will prioritize common-sense solutions to prevent gun violence and save lives.


Two days. That's all we have left to elect gun safety champion Joe Biden and oust NRA puppet Donald Trump. So I'm asking for your help — will you share our graphic to your social media now? We can inspire everyone to get out the vote for gun safety.


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This Election Day is our chance. Please help me spread the message that gun safety is on the ballot. 

Thank you,


Cordy Galligan

Brady Vice President of Communications


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We were the first gun violence prevention organization to endorse Joe Biden, and we are fighting like hell to elect him to the White House, flip the Senate to a gun safety majority, and win up and down the ballot.