Hello, my favorite activists on the planet.  Two more wakeups.

Here's the link for our Zoom meeting from 2 to 3 today.  (Did you set your clocks back?)  Just click to join.  It will be nice to check in with some friendly faces and get a little boost before we VOTE HIM OUT.  Yippee!


I hope you're managing this well.  So many of us have serious election PTSD after 2016, and of course 2020 has brought special challenges of its own.  Perhaps you can relate to this:

It's a lot. 

But here's the thing: there are tens of thousands of people just like us doing their part.  Calling, texting, writing, donating, nagging their friends and family.  And this last push to get ballots in will really help us.  We cannot afford to let this be close.  The time you put in now means you may get to breathe a bit easier next week (and we all want that, right?).  Also, getting on voter protection hotlines and ballot curing will mean fewer of those votes slip away get stolen from us.  So let's put in the work.  

PHONE.  Democracy Action and Swing Left are killing it with the phone banks.  A two-hour shift is easy, plus the campaign lets us know which states to focus on.  (We're two days out.  Don't make me think.)

Do you speak Spanish, or have a friend who does who'd be willing to make some calls?  Help is desperately needed to help our Spanish-speaking friends in AZ and FL get to the polls.  Shifts available 3-5 today and 12-2 tomorrow.  Por favor, ayuda si se puede!

[If you'd like to call for a particular state or candidate and are not finding it, hit me up and I'll try to help.]

TEXT.  Resistance Labs has campaigns going today for Black Voters Matter in GA and FL, and the Florida Rights Restoration Coalition.  Let's help them get out the vote.  So easy and effective.  Tutorial on their website, or private lessons from moi (AKA pimping myself out for democracy).

PROTECT.  This is of highest important, friends.  Republicans can't win if they don't suppress.  Here is a great listing of voter protection volunteer opportunities.  Protecting every one of these votes is going to be so crucial.  (Did you see they're trying to toss out 117,000 ballots already in Texas? Ugh.)  Please sign up for shifts to help cure ballots in North Carolina, Florida, and Georgia.  Join the army to combat voter suppression in real-time.

DONATE.  Campaigns still need help.  Hit up ActBlue if you can, candidates directly, or either great fundraiser from Action SF.  

I'm feeling very positive, but I'm not going to stop.  Hang in there with me.

I believe that we will win.

Say it out loud.

I believe that we will win.

Now let's go do it.

Stand Up San Francisco