A lot of people ask about my tattoos, and I think it’s an important story for you to hear, team.
When I was flying a medevac mission in Afghanistan, my helicopter came under fire and I took shrapnel to my arm and shoulder. We continued the mission, managing to get our crew and patients to safe ground, and we held out surrounded by enemy fighters until rescue choppers made it to us. As our wounded were loaded into one of the helicopters, I strapped myself to the skids of the other and returned fire as we flew back to base.
The shrapnel I took left scars all across my shoulder and arm, and they were a constant reminder of the pain of that day. So I decided to turn the scars into something beautiful -- my tattoos.
Why am I telling you this? Because I know how to face tough challenges. Winning this race and then leading in the U.S. Senate won’t be easy, but this team can get it done -- just like my team got it done that day in Afghanistan. Will you help me in my fight, team?
Look, when facing down 150 Taliban fighters that day I upheld my oath to our country. You better believe that I won’t cower to the special interests or Washington bosses. I’ll put country over politics in the Senate, always.
But I need your help to get there. Can you make a donation today?
-- MJ