Dear Peacemaker, The coalition of brilliant, engaged, passionate and peace-loving people from all over the globe saying no to the next Cold War is growing. Today we are launching a petition calling on Vice Presidential nominee Kamala Harris to end the Biden team’s war mongering towards China. The hate and lies from the Biden campaign toward China are driving racism and sinophobia and must end now. Sign our letter to Kamala as we can’t let Biden’s rhetoric continue. Last week, a Japanese American jazz pianist and recent first-time father, Tadataka Unno, was subject to a brutal racist attack by a group of eight young people at a New York City subway station. The 40-year-old suffered serious injuries, including a broken collarbone, and it is still unclear whether he will ever be able to perform again. His safety, livelihood, and sense of belonging in his own neighborhood were taken away from him. During this grotesque attack, Unno heard the group repeatedly calling him “Chinese.” This attack demonstrates in no uncertain terms the danger of promoting “tough on China” rhetoric, which is why we’re calling on Vice Presidential nominee, Kamala Harris, to help end the aggression towards China. We are deeply concerned about the rising trends of racism, xenophobia, and sinophobia in our country. The brutal attack suffered by Unno is just one example. Since the outbreak of the pandemic, members of the Asian American community have been increasingly subjected to horrifying acts of violence and hatred. This anti-Asian sentiment has been egged on by President Trump’s insistence on calling COVID19 the “China virus” or worse yet, the “Kung Flu,” and other attacks on China. It is also fed by the disparaging remarks towards China coming from the Biden campaign, such as referring to China’s President Xi Jinping as a “thug.” Join us in asking Kamala Harris to tell the Biden team to stop escalating tensions with China! Opposing racist rhetoric is not enough, which is why we continue to have conversations across issues to educate on why China Is Not Our Enemy. Next week is Asian Cultures Professor Stephen Roddy, who has spent his life studying China. Please join us and engage further with this community of anti-racists focused on dismantling the US-led anti-China rhetoric. Onwards to peace & equality, |
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