Join in Sunday November 1
RefuseFascism LIVE: For Everyone who feels the urgent need to End the Nightmare of the Trump/Pence Regime: How to Prepare for What Happens on Election Day
7:00 pm EST streaming on Facebook. Youtube. Twitter
(don't forget the time change and show up an hour early!)

Election Day is upon us. No one can predict exactly what will happen.
What we do know is the air is thick with threats from Trump and his followers that there will not be a peaceful transfer of power. We have witnessed Trump declare the vote will be announced election night and lie about the legitimacy of mail in ballots.
Refuse Fascism has for 4 years seen this coming and has a plan that meets the existential challenge of this moment. 4 more years of a regime that imperils the people of the world and the planet itself is not an option. Fascism is NEVER legitimate.
This OutNOW LIVE will feature Sam Goldman from the Editorial board and Andy Zee, co-initiator of and host of the RNL show who will present Refuse Fascism’s plan for the election and how you can organize people to be in the public square on Election night, watching the returns with the RefuseFascism team and being together for whatever happens.
Learn about plans for the publication of the Refuse Fascism Pledge as a full-page ad in
The New York Times. $50,000 is needed by Wednesday November 4 at NOON.
Join Sam and Andy and bring your friends. No experience necessary, just love for humanity and determination to not stop until they are GONE. Trump Pence Out Now!
All donations doubled this weekend up to $5,000
The Pledge to the people of the world: In the Name of Humanity, We Refuse To Accept A Fascist America (SEE VIDEO) will be published soon after the election in The New York Times.
Your donations support spreading the Pledge; the materials & promotion needed for non-violent, sustained protest beginning Tuesday November 3 through Saturday November 7.
>> Donate with debit/credit card

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To make a tax-deductible donation of $100 or more in support of Refuse Fascism's educational activities, please make checks out to "Alliance for Global Justice," a 501(3)(c) organization, note: Refuse Fascism
Refuse Fascism | (917) 407-1286 | 305 West Broadway #185 NY, NY 10013