Quickly checking in. We’ll keep this short.

Tonight at midnight, we’ll close the books on the final fundraising deadline of this campaign. But our finance team is sounding the alarm that we’re about to fall short.

If we don’t catch up, our campaign manager may have to end some of our get-out-the-vote efforts just days before the election.

So, we’re setting a goal of reaching 3,841 donations by midnight tonight to get us back on track. It’s ambitious, but if we can pull this off, we’ll be in a strong position to win this race.

Can you help us elect John Hickenlooper to the U.S. Senate by making a donation right now? There has never been a more important moment for you to step up:

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thank you.

— Team Hick