From Metro Washington Council AFL-CIO <[email protected]>
Subject ACTION ALERT: DC workers demand: Protect the Vote!
Date October 31, 2020 8:21 PM
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John: Election Day 2020 is now just a few days away...

VOTE! See below for links on how and where.

RALLY! Plan to [link removed] join us for a rally to Protect the Vote on Wednesday, November 4 at 3:00 PM at McPherson Square.

TUNE IN! The [link removed] Labor Radio Podcast Network will broadcast daily livestream coverage on its [link removed] Facebook page.

[link removed] Washington, DC voter information

[link removed] Metro-area voter info

[link removed] Labor's endorsed candidates

[link removed] Events in DC and around the country after the election

[link removed] Know Your Rights when protesting in DC from the ACLU-DC

Join Shut Down DC for a variety of trainings between now and the election to prepare for interactions with law enforcement or white supremacists that may be unfamiliar. [link removed] See the calendar here.

[link removed] Help protect others by understanding effective bystander intervention

Forward UNION CITY! to all your friends and colleagues or click here to spread the word!

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