The biggest climate action in world history will kick off in just a few days, and the mobilisation is gathering momentum. Be part of this historic moment.


The Global Climate Strike is just a few days away and we're working round the clock to make it bigger, bolder and more powerful than ever. Each of us has a role to play. Please, chip in and support this amazing effort: it's easy, secure and will take no more than 2 minutes!

In case you missed my email below, here it is once more:


Hi John,

The window for solving the climate crisis is closing. We have the technology and the will - but fossil fuel billionaires are standing in our way. They care about their power and wealth enough to see our world literally burn.

That may sound defeatist, but in reality, I’m hopeful. I’m hopeful because, a few days from now, millions of people around the world will be mobilising to pull off the biggest climate action ever - the youth-led, all ages Global Climate Strikes starting September 20th.

We’re working round the clock across every timezone to pull off the biggest climate action in history - and that takes resources. John, can you donate a few pounds right now to help pull this off?

We’re pouring the power of our organisation into this by supporting youth leaders with the training and resources they need, and by mobilising multi-generational partners and 350 supporters worldwide, from the UK to France to Kenya to the Philippines to Canada. 

Organising millions around the world is no easy feat, but it’s what we’re best at. A lot of what we do is invisible, behind-the-scenes work: we convene powerful coalitions, offer trainings and guidance. It might not be spectacular or flashy, but it’s crucial work, so we’re on it. 

We know people power works, because we’ve seen it first hand. With every mobilisation, every day or week of action, our movement for climate justice grows in power. This September we will be turning the tide on our future and demanding an end to fossil fuels, and a just, fair, green transition powered by 100% renewable energy for every person on this planet.

We’re on track to mobilise millions around the world. Can you chip in right now to make all of our voices heard?

Yes, I’ll chip in!

No, I can’t chip in, but I’ll join a strike!

Whatever you can give is appreciated, and regardless, we’ll see you in the streets in just a few days. Until then, stay tuned for more important resources coming your way.


Julia for the 350 team is building a global climate movement. You can connect with us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and become a sustaining donor to keep this movement strong and growing.

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