
Tonight at midnight is the final fundraising deadline of the election, and believe it or not, last-minute resources can make all the difference for our endorsed candidates who are still reaching out to voters.

We’re trying to raise $10,000 by midnight tonight, but we’re not going to get there without your help. Can you contribute $10 or more right now to help us hit this final goal?


If we are successful in beating Donald Trump, holding the House, and flipping the Senate, we’ll be able to make so much progress together. We’d be able to immediately get to work on:

  • Beating COVID-19
  • Expanding access to health care
  • Combating climate change
  • Tackling gun violence and mass shootings
  • And so much more

But the truth is, if we don’t finish strong, we could come up short. And if we don’t retake both the Senate and the White House, none of these things are possible.

Thank you for everything you’re doing.
