Dear John,
It’s not over yet! There are just a few hours left to double your impact for animals.
Your donation to the Animal Legal Defense Fund by midnight tonight will be matched, dollar-for-dollar, up to a total of $100,000. Your support will make twice the impact for millions of abused, neglected, and exploited animals – so don’t miss this opportunity!
As you know, the cruelty on factory farms like Dick Van Dam Dairy must be stopped, which is why the matching gift offer was extended to end tonight. Farmed animals are mostly excluded from the few legal protections animals have. As a result, the pain and abuse they suffer is often overlooked. But not by us — and not by YOU. Please give as generously as you can right now and help animals receive the protection and justice they deserve. |
For the animals,
Stephen Wells
Executive Director
This email was sent to [email protected].
© 2020 Animal Legal Defense Fund
525 East Cotati Avenue, Cotati, CA 94931 | (707) 795-2533