Breaking News from Tea Party Pac


Sleepy Joe's Latest Gaffe Shows His Age...Where's He Been For The Last 40 Years?...



Fellow Patriot - we're up against the wall.

Nancy Pelosi's fundraising army is raking in ridiculous hordes of cash for the races that are up for grabs in 2020. 

And if that weren't bad enough, patriot Congressman Steve Scalise just reported to us that the hard Left has promised to dump in hundreds of millions more in order to keep control of the House.

Quite frankly, we're staring at the very real possibility of failing to retake the House...which means President Trump's Keep America Great agenda will be DOA.

We're committed to do WHATEVER it takes to protect President Trump's plan. So I've just opened up a short window for 5X IMPACT on all donations until midnight tonight.

If we lose to Nancy Pelosi and allow her to consolidate her control in the House, she and her uber-socialist minions will be in a position to kill every single critical bill Trump proposes.

If you're as serious as I am about stopping Pelosi, George Soros and the Leftist cabal in their tracks - then I need you to stand with Tea Party Super PAC RIGHT NOW with a critical 5X IMPACT gift.

Chip in $500 x 5 impact>>>

Chip in $250 x 5 impact>>>

Chip in $100 x 5 impact>>>

Chip in $50 x 5 impact>>>

Chip in $25 x 5 impact>>>

You and I both know what'll happen if Pelosi and Soros succeed... they're going to march forward with their green, anti-America, socialist agenda.

...and they'll get the Senate to go along with them.

Your role in the Tea Party strategy to take the Left down is absolutely critical. And your generous 5X IMPACT gift is essential.

Together we can do this-without you...I'm not so sure.

Are you with us?

Steve Eichler,
CEO, Tea Party Super PAC

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From the founding of the Tea Party in 1773 a growing movement of conservative Americans echo the call for smaller government and lower taxes. This is our banner and our calling as well.

Paid for by the Tea Party PAC. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Tea Party Political Action Committee is registered with the Federal Election Commission as an independent-expenditure only committee ID C00692129 also known as a Super PAC and is protected political speech exempt under CAN-SPAM Protocols

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