Good morning John. 

Happy Halloween.  Now let's end this nightmare.  

Don't miss our last pre-election Zoom tomorrow!  It will be nice to give each other a pep talk, have a group primal scream, whatever needs befall us.  Just click this link anytime between 2 and 3 tomorrow to join.  I for one would love to see your cute face.


Okay so check this out.  Our friends at Democracy Action and Swing Left have phone banks going literally every hour of the day today from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. focusing on competitive Senate races.  Register for a two-hour shift and make some calls to fellow Dems!  Some people just need a little nudge or additional information to get their ballots in.  Be that person who helps them get it done.  You'll get karma points and will find excellent parking spots.  It's just science.


And just in case you needed a little more fuel for that's a video clip of Mitch McConnell that I'm warning you, will make you very, very angry.


Take.  That.  Senate.


If you want to help GOTV but are a bit phone-shy, texting is your friend.  As you know I'm a big fan of Resistance Labs.  Some of this morning's campaigns are texting for Black Voters Matter in WI, PA, NC, and KY, and also Poder Latinx reaching voters in FL.  There's a Resistance Labs training Zoom at 10, or you can walk yourself through their slide show.  Better yet--I'll keep our Zoom meeting open tomorrow after 3 for anyone who would like help with texting.  If that time doesn't work for you, I'd be happy to schedule a private Zoom with you to walk you through it and get you started.  You know how I roll.


There is huge need for Spanish-speaking phone bankers.  Are there any of you campeones out there?  Please click here and sign up if you can help.  Gracias!


A few of you have asked me who to call for/text for/donate to.  I wish I knew.  I'm pretty wary of polls (polls don't vote), but if you find yourself torn between GOTV campaigns this weekend, these two items might be of interest to you:

(The first is the editor of the Cook Political Report; the second is Nate Cohn of the New York Times.



Did you vote yet?  If Bill Graham Civic Auditorium is your spot, remaining hours for early voting are Sat./Sun. 10-4, Monday 8-5, and Election Day 7-8. Time to walk your talk, my friends.  Vooote.


Lastly, I really liked this part of Kamala's closing argument yesterday in Texas.  I think it might resonate with you as well:

     "And so my final point is this.  This moment will pass.  It will pass.  And years from now, our children and our grandchildren will look at us, each one of us.  They're going to look in our eyes, and they will ask us: 'Where were you at that moment?'  And you see, we're going to be able to tell them so much more than just how we felt, Ft. Worth.  We will tell them what we did.  We will tell them what we did."

So let's do this.

Best regards,
Stand Up San Francisco