This race is personal for Suzan because it's personal for all of us.
It's about more than choosing a representative for Washington's first. It's also about choosing what's right for our children, our families, and our communities.
We know Suzan is the right choice to continue our shared fight for progress, but we need to make sure every single voter knows that, too.
We are so close to meeting our $20,000 end-of-month fundraising goal, which is critical to getting out the vote in these final few days.
We need to raise $2,977 by midnight to finish strong and get out every vote!
Please rush a donation before 11:59 to help close this gap, hold this critical seat, and continue our fight >>
If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Suzan DelBene
Date: Oct 30, 2020
Subject: Together
Hi there,
This campaign has always been about ambition -- our shared ambition to bring about change and progress to our community, our state, and our country.
From day one, this campaign has been about us -- and that's how it always will be.
Together, we will expand the Child Tax Credit, so our families have the security they deserve. We will keep pushing for COVID-19 relief, so our community has the resources it needs to get through this crisis. We will keep fighting for climate change legislation, so our children and grandchildren have a safe and livable planet to grow up on. We will keep defending the Affordable Care Act, so every single American can have health care that doesn't break the bank.
I'm so proud of what we have accomplished together, but I am even more proud of what we will do in the coming years -- because better days are ahead if we fight for them. Together, we can -- and we will -- keep pushing for a better Washington, a better America, a better world.
But in order to do that and keep up our fight, we have to make sure we stay on track with our short-term goals -- and that means meeting tomorrow's fundraising goal and chasing down every vote we can before the polls close on Tuesday.
Can you chip in $5 or more before our final end-of-month deadline at midnight tomorrow? Every single cent helps maintain our get-out-the-vote efforts through the last minute of the election.
If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
Thank you for everything,
Suzan DelBene
PO Box 477, Kirkland, WA 98083
Paid for by DelBene for Congress
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