My opponent just released a poll showing my campaign with a narrow 2-point lead and enough undecided voters to throw the race to her: 


I already told you about the unchecked voting irregularities by Democrats in the district during early voting. Irregularities Democratic AG Josh Stein and Democratic Governor Roy Cooper's handpicked Elections Board are trying to sweep under the rug, refuse to stop, and support by their silence.
With the race this close, I really need you to do three things right away: 

1. Kick in $5, $25, $50, $100, $500, $1000 or whatever you can afford to help fund our campaign's voter security and poll monitoring program on Election Day. 

2. Go to my Facebook page and watch the video for yourself, get the whole story and share it with your friends.
3. When you share the video, tell your friends to go vote for me and President Trump. 
Friends, we have to get people out to monitor voting on Tuesday –
Please chip in.  The future of our country depends on it.
Thank you,
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