Would you take a minute to cast a vote for the Innocence Project before the deadline tonight?
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John —
We’re going to keep it short.
Right now, we’re in the running for CREDO Mobile’s monthly non-profit donation. Every month, they give $150,000 to organizations working to make our world a better place. And the public — AKA you — gets to vote to decide how that money is divided.
We’re currently tied for first, and the deadline for voting is tonight. In just a few seconds, you can help us secure funding to keep working to free the innocent and reform the legal system.
Would you please cast a vote for the Innocence Project before tonight’s deadline? ([link removed])
Thank you for your continuing support,
— The Innocence Project Team
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The Innocence Project exonerates the wrongly convicted through DNA testing and reforms the criminal justice system to prevent future injustice.
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