Over these last few weeks, we’ve seen an alarming spike in misleading information—online, on social and broadcast media, and elsewhere—all aimed at degrading the truth, spreading mistrust and fear, and imperiling our civic discourse. Since we launched What To Expect When You’re Electing (#WhatToExpect2020), I’ve been heartened by the outpouring of public response to our campaign, which has encompassed disinformation defense webinars, crucial tools and resources on our site to equip the public to spot and stop the spread of disinformation, and virtual town halls and events with journalists and elected officials, including a Washington Post Live event series.
But the fight is far from over, and even after November 3rd, we’ll need your help standing up against those who would silence our voices, discourage civic participation, and sow hate and fear.
A donation of any amount will help PEN America continue championing free speech and the right to seek truth.
All the best,

Summer Lopez
Senior Director of Free Expression Programs, PEN America
PS — Your support will help PEN America defend against the spread of online hate, advance our disinformation defense workshops, and empower those who seek to speak truth to power.