
Dear Pantsuit Nation,

We’ve been waiting for this moment for four years. Now, the election is here. This community has meant so much to so many people -- and now our time has come to set our country back on track.

Join Pantsuit Nation, Supermajority and very special guest Hillary Rodham Clinton at 12 p.m. on Monday, November 2, to make phone calls to voters in Pennsylvania who have not yet cast their ballots! 

Now’s the time to get on the phones and make a difference. And there’s nobody better to give us the GOTV pep talk we need than Hillary Rodham Clinton herself. Let’s show her that the movement she sparked is as strong as ever.

What are you waiting for?! HRC is still fighting -- and so are we. Register to reserve your spot now. 

Grab your pantsuit -- I’ll see you there! 



Libby Chamberlain 

Founder, Pantsuit Nation

Join Supermajority as a member