We understand this is a challenging time, so please only donate if you can. Most importantly, take care of yourself and your loved ones during this difficult period in our nation's history.

It's Wendy Davis. You may have heard I'm running in Texas' 21st Congressional District against Republican Chip Roy. And I'm going to flip this seat blue.
In just a few short days the voters will have a chance to weigh in on Congressman Roy's failed record on everything from health care to climate change. And most of all, they'll have a chance to tell Chip Roy they won't stand for his obstructionism - his opposition to Obamacare, his vote against COVID relief, or his flagrant disregard for the best practices keeping Americans safe from the pandemic.
Pitch in a contribution to me and the NewDem Action Fund as we finish strong into November 3.
NewDems have been a tremendous partner for me in this election. As a former state legislator, candidate for Governor and now a contender for the House of Representatives, I know how important it is to build coalitions of like-minded supporters if we're going to flip this seat blue.
When we stand together, there's nothing that can stop us. Will you join our team with a small contribution today?
There's no time to lose. Election Day is almost here. Help keep us on the air and running hard as we cross the finish line on Tuesday.
All the best,