John: I’m not exaggerating when I say our shared future is at stake.
Our climate has been put under tremendous strain. Since March, as our focus turned to the pandemic, the current administration has lifted federal environmental protections one by one, putting our Earth and our lives in jeopardy.
The deterioration of these laws means our mission—to engage investors and companies and create sustainable solutions at SCALE—must work overtime. We close our fiscal year in a matter of hours, and we've already reached a total of $175,615, exceeding our goal and all of our expectations.
So thanks to the generous outpour of support from this community, we're raising the stakes. Will you help us hit our new fundraising target of $200,000?
With $24,385 left to go by tonight’s deadline, please—step forward with an urgently-needed fiscal year-end gift immediately >>
I know the days ahead are fraught with unpredictability, John, but let me make one thing clear: we remain unwavering in our commitment to protecting the planet.
Our efforts to partner with investors and corporate leaders, helping them CHOOSE sustainability for themselves, will continue ... but they rely on your generosity right here, right now.
Give in the next 15 hours to help us secure the resources we need to see our vision through, in the next fiscal year and beyond.
John, if we fall short of goal, our sustainability work and shared mission will be at heightened risk.
Just consider the Ceres Accelerator—our cutting edge, new center that aims to engage regulators and help them make change at tremendous scale, across diverse types of industry.
Or our Commit to Climate initiative, which demonstrates that no matter what the administration does, the business community will ensure we make good on our Paris Agreement climate commitment.
This work—all of our work, John—happens because people like you believe in our mission and care. And as we close the books on our fiscal year, this moment is crucial.
$24,385 is still urgently needed for the most ambitious 12 months possible—give now, before the clock strikes midnight, to ensure a sustainable future for all. |
Thank you for giving this matter your urgent attention,
Barbara Seymour
Director, Development
P.S. The EPA has gutted vital environmental protections amid this pandemic, loosening restrictions on pollution and emissions, even failing to strengthen a regulation on industrial soot emissions that could help prevent Covid-19. This means all that we do, together, must work overtime to halt the worst, most immediate effects of climate change.
Don’t wait: Give before we close our fiscal year in 15 hours >> |
Ceres is a sustainability nonprofit organization working with the most influential investors and companies to build leadership and drive solutions throughout the economy. |