This is huge, Friends: The Washington Post reports that Democratic AGs have sued the Trump administration 87 times in the 31 months he’s been in office. And more importantly, Democratic AGs are winning – with a success rate of 82% according to political experts.

Democratic AGs have successfully blocked Trump’s attempts to:

  • Rig the census
  • Destroy President Obama’s climate legacy
  • Eliminate protections for student loan borrowers
  • Restrict access to birth control
  • Deport dreamers and end the DACA program

And those are just a few examples of how Democratic AGs are protecting your rights – and of the progress we’ve made together by standing up to Trump and Republicans.

Want to continue fighting back against Trump’s dangerous administration? We are the only organization dedicated to electing and supporting Democratic AGs – who are the last line of defense against the Trump administration – and we have a critical fundraising deadline at midnight. Right now we’re falling short, but your donation can get us back on track. Here’s what we found when we pulled your supporter record:

Email: [email protected]
Supporter ID: 1371688
Democratic Justice Fund Membership: PENDING

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