Don Jr. Can't Spin Trump's Broken Promises
Donald Trump Jr.'s visit to Youngstown on Monday was the first time a Trump has set foot in the Mahoning Valley since three years ago when the president told Ohioans, "Don't move, don't sell your house" -- and then General Motors decided to shut down their Lordstown factory, leading to the loss of thousands of Ohio jobs.

"Haven't the people of the Mahoning Valley suffered enough? Working families across the region have lost their health, lives and livelihoods because of Donald Trump's four years of chaos and incompetence," said Ohio Democratic Party Chairman David Pepper. "Now, his own administration is admitting they have no intention of getting this pandemic under control. But instead of receiving urgently needed help, folks in the Mahoning Valley have to hear from a guy born with a silver spoon in his mouth, who flouted the state's mask mandate the last time he was here in our state. Ohioans deserve better -- that's why we're turning out in record numbers to elect Joe Biden and end the nightmare of the Trump presidency."