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The archbishop of Canterbury banned a "vulnerable" abuse victim from cathedral grounds after treating his case with "casual indifference", an independent
inquiry has heard.
NSS honorary associate Polly Toynbee says the decline in belief shown by the latest British Attitudes Survey is not reflected in diminished religious
New government figures show that there are still seven times more Orthodox Jewish girls studying in registered state-funded or independent schools in Hackney
than there are boys. The numbers highlight how little ministers have done to get on top of the problem of unregistered schools.
Government officials in at least 30 towns, villages, and regional assemblies throughout the staunchly Catholic country of Poland have declared themselves to
be "free of LGBT ideology".
The U.S. State Department said on Thursday it would host a conference in Washington next week to highlight the problem of religious persecution, and has
invited victims of recent attacks at a synagogue in San Diego, mosques in New Zealand and an Easter Day bombing in Sri Lanka.
Ofsted penalises schools that refuse to teach about LGBT people, but seems to ignore other schools that teach same-sex relationships are morally wrong. Megan
Manson says this double standard needs to end.
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