You won’t believe the call I just got, folks —

According to my finance team, we only need to raise another $16,310.48 by midnight to get back on track for our final fundraising deadline tomorrow!

Can you make a contribution right now to help us close the gap on our most important goal of this campaign? Anything you can give matters.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Over 850,000 individual people have chipped in to this campaign — that’s incredible.

We’re building a movement fueled by everyday folks pitching in what they can, volunteering their time, and stepping up when it matters most to give Coloradans a leader they deserve.

Cory Gardner, on the other hand, is bankrolled by corporate billionaires and Mitch McConnell’s wealthy friends. Time after time, Gardner has proven that he’s loyal to Trump and the GOP — not Colorado. He’s just too weak to fight for us

Unlike our opponent, I’m refusing to accept a single cent of corporate PAC money, because the only boss I have is you. That’s why I’m depending on grassroots Democrats like you to step up now in this critical moment:

Please, can you donate $10 or more to help us reach our final fundraising goal, fight off the GOP’s attacks, and flip Colorado’s Senate seat blue?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

I appreciate you,
