
This is bad news. The number of Americans without health care just increased by 2 million people. It’s the first time the rate of uninsured Americans has increased since the Affordable Care Act was passed.

Here are the facts: President Trump and Republicans in Congress have spent years trying to unravel the ACA, strip coverage for folks with pre-existing conditions and cut access to affordable care for millions of families across America.

I’m going to keep fighting like hell to defend our health care and make sure folks across the country are getting the care they need. But Trump and Republicans in Washington have the big pharmaceutical and insurance companies on their side, and they’ll continue to spend big against anyone standing in their way.

My fundraising team let me know we’re falling behind on our mid-month goal. We have to be ready to defend our health care with grassroots power. Can you pitch in right now to help us get back on track?


Thanks for pitching in. I’m going to keep fighting to defend our health care for people across the country, and I’m proud to have you with me.

— Jon