This is the Monitor Weekly: This week, Vanita Gupta testified on voting discrimination and the Education Fund released a major voting rights report.

     Saturday, September 14


Gupta Testifies on Voting Discrimination, Education Fund Releases Major Voting Rights Report.

The Leadership Conference Education Fund on Tuesday released “Democracy Diverted: Polling Place Closures and the Right to Vote” -- a new report finding that areas formerly covered by Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act closed a staggering 1,688 polling locations in just six years, including 1,173 closures between the 2014 and 2018 midterm elections. The findings of the report -- and its recommendation for Congress to restore the Voting Rights Act -- were the focus of testimony provided by Vanita Gupta, our president and CEO, before the House Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Civil Liberties during a hearing examining ongoing voting discrimination in America. Watch the hearing here, and read Gupta’s full written testimony here.

BREAKING: @civilrightsorg's sister org just released a major new voting rights report. The analysis found 1,688 polling place closures in areas with a history of voting discrimination that were formerly covered by Section 5 of the VRA. #DemocracyDiverted


117 Groups Launch 2020 Justice Platform. Along with Civil Rights Corps and 115 other civil rights and justice groups, we released a policy platform for the 2020 state and federal elections that proposes a unified vision for transforming our criminal-legal system into one that respects the humanity, dignity, and rights of all people. The platform’s 14 recommendations are centered on three thematic issues: ensuring equity and accountability, building a restorative system of justice, and rebuilding communities. Read it here.

Vision for Justice: 2020 and Beyond; A New Paradigm for Public Safety

Education Fund Releases School Climate Principles. The Education Fund recently released “Civil Rights Principles for Safe, Healthy, and Inclusive School Climates” to urge policymakers and other stakeholders to ensure that all students can learn in safe, healthy, and inclusive environments. Fifty-seven civil rights and education organizations signed onto the principles, asking members of Congress to fulfill their role in helping educators and communities create and maintain safe schools that afford all students equal educational opportunities. Read the principles here.

Civil Rights Principles for Safe, Healthy, and Inclusive School Climates

Senate Continues Trump’s Court Takeover. The Senate on Wednesday confirmed six more of Trump’s district court nominees, bringing his total to more than 150 lifetime federal judges. Earlier in the day, the Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing on Trump’s controversial nominee to the Second Circuit, Steven Menashi, who lacks the support of his home-state senators. We also wrote to senators this week in strong opposition to Menashi’s confirmation. Read our letter here, and watch his hearing here.

Vanita Gupta tweet reading: Menashi worked with DeVos & now works with Stephen Miller in the White House. His civil rights record is terrible. His home-state senators oppose him. If confirmed, he'd sit in Thurgood Marshall's former seat & preside in the Thurgood Marshall Courthouse. He must be stopped.


Gupta, McGowan Say Title VII Must Cover LGBTQ People. Gupta and Sharon McGowan, chief strategy officer and legal director of Lambda Legal, outlined in a recent piece on SCOTUSblog why Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 covers claims of discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. The U. S. Supreme Court will consider this issue in three cases on October 8. Read their piece here.

Vanita Gupta tweet reading: READ: @SharonMcGowanDC and I have a piece on @SCOTUSblog discussing why Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 must cover sexual orientation and gender identity. We'll be watching closely as #SCOTUS hears oral argument on October 8.

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