Dear LULAC Members,
We hold great influence in our homes; among our families and in our communities. It is time to use that influence and build Latina Power. Today, Latinos represent 60 million individuals of the total population. By 2050, we will be close to 130 million strong. Today, we must start building our collective influence and harnessing our power.
This pandemic has shown us what is the most important. Nuestras familias, safety, and wellbeing. Suddenly we are all faced with extreme challenges while trying to ensure we provide for our families.
With our influence we can ensure our families have adequate access to health care, our children have quality education no matter the zip code we call home and access to better paying job opportunities that pay equitable wages and salaries.
As we are on the brink of a presidential election our awareness of politics is urgent. The only way we will see long term solutions is to get the women involved NOW.
We must build and have such strength that our voices will be heard. We need to be One Million Latinas Strong. Not only in 2020 but beyond.

Does that speak to you? Can you see US coming together and being the change we need to see in our communities? Bringing the brain power, creativity, and power of Latinas across the country?
Can we set a goal to register every woman we know to our sisterhood and to pledge to vote? Let us be the solution in our communities and link arms with Latinas across the country to build a grassroots movement that is all about harnessing our individual and collective power.
Unite in this grassroots movement because One Million Latinas Strong is about you, your mother, your grandmother, your sister and tias, your friends, and all the Latinas that you know in your network who are creating change every day. I have no doubt that we will build the network and with your help, we will amplify this movement across all 50 states, Puerto Rico, and Washington D.C.
You are receiving this email because you have already committed to social justice, take this step with me now and sign up to be part of #OneMillionLatinasStrong

Juntas Unidas Adelante,
Sindy |