Hi John.

We've got one last pre-election Sunday Zoom.  Hope you can join for a bit to check in.  And let's hope that next week we'll be doing some serious celebrating

No need to register, just click the link between 2 and 3 on Sunday to join.


Took a break for some much-needed self-care yesterday.  It's going to be a looong weekend.  Pace yourself.

Now I'm back in the saddle and boy, do we have options!  There is phone banking for Biden literally every hour today until 7 p.m.  Here's an easy link to register.  Let's get those bodies to the drop boxes.

There's a phone bank to Go The Extra Mile For Florida today at 2.  Flipping Florida would clinch it for Biden.  Is it possible?  Dare we dream?  (Lookin' at you, Jenny R...)  Let's give it a shot!

Wanna really get nutty?  Text out The Vote in Texas from 2-4 today with Team Joe!  How insane would it be if we flipped Texas blue?  Okay, don't get me all excited.  Sign up here for that or another Texas texting shift. 

Here are some excellent voter protection links.  There are also still shifts available to help protect the vote in North Carolina, Florida, and Georgia.  Let's do all we can to make sure every vote is counted.

"The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice." --MLK Jr.

I am so, so grateful that we're on the same team in this fight.  Love you guys.   

Best regards,
Stand Up San Francisco