John --
A surge of Republican voters in Florida is threatening to close our narrow lead.
With only four days until the election, we’re running out of time to pull ahead in critical swing states like Florida. We need your help. Will you donate toward our $50,000 goal to turn out millions of Latinx voters by Election Day?
We’re encouraged by how many Latinos are voting early -- both in-person and through the mail. It’s great that so many Americans have more time and more ways to vote this year. But it still doesn’t guarantee a win. We’re up against a president who continues to cast doubt about the legitimacy of the election, and a Republican party that continues to spread misinformation and come up with new ways to suppress our votes. And now that Republican voters are closing the gap in early voting, we need to seriously step-up voter mobilization to ensure a landslide victory for our community!
We all know what the stakes are in this election. We all know that our White House is inhabited by a racist who’s obsessed with building a wall to keep out immigrants, who’s determined to deport all Dreamers, to callously deny asylum to refugees in need, and to rob power from people of color by prematurely ending the U.S. census. And we all know he must be voted out.
But I cannot stress enough that it will not happen unless Latinos turn out to vote in record numbers. And that is why we need your support right now.
Will you please donate toward our $50,000 goal so we can mobilize the millions of voters we need in the next four days to win this election?
Thank you so much for your support,
María Teresa Kumar
President, Voto Latino