John Carney for Governor

Throughout COVID-19, Governor Carney has focused first on protecting lives and working hard to keep our community and our economy healthy.
From a budget perspective, we were prepared for this crisis because of the Governor's collaboration with the General Assembly to build a $125 million reserve fund when the economy was strong before the pandemic. This allowed us to navigate this crisis without tax increases or cuts to important services. 
The Governor also continues to invest where it matters most -- funding the largest public infrastructure program in Delaware history. Expanding broadband, cleaning up our drinking water, building new schools and rebuilding roads and bridges.
In a second term, he will continue to focus on the issues that matter most to every Delaware community: good jobs, world-class schools, and a great place to live. 
There are 4 days until Election Day. 
Share the below message with your friends and family to make sure we continue building a healthy community and a strong economy. 

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Vote for: a stronger economy. Governor Carney is focused on bringing good-paying jobs to Delaware and supporting the businesses that are rooted here.


Still have your vote-by-mail or absentee ballot? Drop your ballot off at a secure drop box in your county. If you're voting in person on November 3, make your plan today:

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Paid for by Friends for John Carney

Friends for John Carney
PO Box 2162
Wilmington DE 19899 United States