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With Senate and White House in Reach, Democrats Plan for Future

by Ahtra Elnashar, WJLA

As Election Day nears, President Donald Trump continues his attacks on Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, including claims Biden would be a "Trojan horse" for far-left members of his party.

President of Progressive Policy Institute Will Marshall acknowledged the pressure Biden might be under if he wins the White House and Democrats win control of both chambers of Congress.

“As always, we’ll have a debate between the realists in the party and the people who really want to push a very aggressive agenda at the beginning," Marshall said.

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Reality Check with Will Marshall

Progressive Policy Institute President Will Marshall joined Charles to discuss a new poll that shows voters in midwest states like Pennsylvania and Ohio show a deeply pragmatic streak on energy and climate issues.


Democrats See Green New Deal Yielding Gains Despite GOP Attacks

by Rebecca Beitsch

Democrats are sensing political gains from the Green New Deal heading into Election Day, even as Republicans deride the progressive proposal and some Democratic candidates slink away from it.


Millions Will Lose Jobless Benefits After Christmas Day

by Brendan McDermott

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi warned the Trump administration yesterday that if they do not reach another coronavirus relief deal, at least five million people (and potentially more) will lose their unemployment benefits, largely because two new unemployment expansions are scheduled to expire on December 26. 



ICYMI: How Trump Lost to Coronavirus

by Will Marshall

Behind in the polls and flailing, President Trump finally has met an opponent he can’t bully, belittle or bury in an avalanche of lies. Joe Biden? No, the coronavirus.



America's COVID-19 Debacle: A Chronology

by Will Marshall and Owen Silva

As the coronavirus pandemic enters its 10th month, the United States continues to lead the world in deaths and infection rates. The hard truth is America ranks dead last when it comes to responding effectively to COVID-19.


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