LAPPL In The News Recently the League has been aggressively engaged in highlighting the increase in murders and shootings in Los Angeles, protecting against budget cuts as well as seeking justice for slain LAPD Officer Paul Verna. Below is a brief collection of news stories. Slain LA cop’s family hopes for retrial 37 years later On June 2, 1983, Los Angeles Police Officer Paul Verna was killed in the line of duty. That is not in dispute. What is, however, is who pulled the trigger. And a combination of factors — from the current political climate to anti-police sentiments gripping the nation to the Los Angeles County district attorney’s race next month — could impact what happens next. For the Verna family, it means the man prosecutors say fired five bullets into the officer 37 years ago could go free. “You have to honor the family, because they’re all victims,” said Craig Lally, president of the Los Angeles Police Protective League, the union that represents rank-and-file officers. “These people that kill cops should never be able to walk the face of the earth again.” Associated Press LAPPL VP Jerretta Sandoz Discusses League's Rejection of Additional LAPD Budget Cuts Director Jamie McBride Discusses Rise in Violent Crime on Larry O'Connor Show (KABC) LAPPL Counters Criticism of Peer Reporting Of Excessive Force By LAPD Officers Listen in as Director Robert Harris counters criticism in the LA Times regarding the LAPD's policy regarding the mandate to report excessive force. Harris describes how LAPD officers are a national model for accountability. AirTalk KPCC About the LAPPL Formed in 1923, the Los Angeles Police Protective League (LAPPL) represents the more than 9,900 dedicated and professional sworn members of the Los Angeles Police Department. The LAPPL serves to advance the interests of LAPD officers through legislative and legal advocacy, political action and education. The LAPPL can be found on the Web at LA Police Protective League | 1308 West Eighth Street, Los Angeles, CA 90017 Unsubscribe
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