John —
We’re in the final few days of the campaign, and I just wanted to take a break from knocking doors to reach out and ask for your help one last time. November 3rd is just around the corner, and we need your support to Get out the Vote! The single best way to help our campaign at this moment is by signing up for a canvassing shift or phone-banking shift and talking to our neighbors about why it’s important that we have strong leadership in Downriver. There’s so much at stake this election, and you’re not going to find a better time to get involved.
Sign up for a canvassing shift here. All of our canvass launches take place outside, with masks required and social distancing enforced. If you don’t want to knock doors, making phone calls is another great way to help. Sign up for a phone banking shift here. 
These last four years we’ve been able to lift up the stories of Downriver and accomplish things we’ve never thought possible. Let’s do this one last time. 



Paid for by Friends of Darrin Camilleri

Friends of Darrin Camilleri
PO Box 818
Trenton MI 48183 United States