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The Unz Review Digest - October 30, 2020

Ranking first this last week was the Saker’s discussion of the ongoing death of what he styles our “AngloZionist Empire,” an event of enormous geopolitical implications.  To his mind, the key sign was the aftermath of the American assassination of top Iranian general leader Qasem Soleimani at the beginning of this year which resulted in an unanswered Iranian wave of long-range cruise missile attacks on pre-warned US military installations in the region, revealing a completely unexpected degree of precision in this weapons.  As a result, the US and the rest of the world now recognizes that Iran could destroy all of America’s military infrastructure and inflict thousands of casualties in any future conflict, as well as severely damage Gulf oil facilities or Israeli installations, completely altering the balance of power in that vital region.

All five of our remaining most popular features related to the looming presidential election and related issues, led by Fred Reed’s critique of Trump as a “vaporware” president, who has accomplished almost none of his campaign promises, from immigration to ending foreign wars and reestablishing friendly relations with Russia.  Closely following was Philip Giraldi’s discussion of the rising tide of “Wokeness” in his own region of once-Republican suburban Virginia, with “political correctness” on racial issues rising to new heights, while satirist C.J. Hopkins explains the rising Democratic hopes that they will finally evict the “Trumpian Hitler” from the White House.  Although Kevin MacDonald freely admits that Trump has been far from an ideal president, he argues that his reelection is vital to stave off the consequences of a Biden/Harris win, which might permanently doom America’s future.  And finally, Thomas Dalton discusses the alleged “QAnon” conspiracy that has become so wildly popular in elements of the pro-Trump base, promoting the idea that their idealized president is secretly battling a cabal of satanic pedophiles located in the top ranks of the Democratic Party elite.

I remember one evening in distant 1991, I was sitting with a few friends in the SAIS cafeteria discussing the future of the United States with a few very smart students, including a Pakistani Army Colonel, a US captain who served on aircraft carriers and a Spanish diplomat: we all agreed that “the system” was... Read More
Everybody and his goat has weighed in on the election, so I will too. This will make no difference to Trump’s core followers, for whom he is a cult figure, or to those who detest him. The undecided may be interested. Note how insubstantial Trump has been, pretending to be what he isn’t and claiming... Read More
America’s wealthiest county surrenders to Critical Race Theory twaddle
Kurt Vonnegut’s 1961 dystopian short story “Harrison Bergeron” describes a 2081 America in which the 211th, 212th, and 213th amendments to the Constitution of the United States have together mandated that all Americans must be made completely equal. No one is allowed to be more intelligent or handsome or more physically capable than anyone else.... Read More
So, according to the corporate media, this is it for Russian-backed Hitler. Game over. The walls are closing in. It’s the last days of the Trumpian Reich. Get those vuvuzelas ready! Yes, apparently, the American people, who were all a bunch of Putin-worshipping, white-supremacist neo-Nazis when they elected Trump in 2016, have come to their... Read More
Trump’s 2016 victory was seen as nothing less than a cataclysm by the American establishment—the greatest shock to the system in memory and perhaps in the entire history of the Republic. After all, Trump was vehemently opposed by the entire establishment from far left to the neoconservative and Chamber of Commerce right. It was, one... Read More
What can be more fun than a conspiracy? Conspiracies are sneaky, salacious, cryptographic, lurid, and enticing. They promise secret knowledge of the inner workings of society—knowledge that only a relative few possess, thus empowering the knower. They claim to identify and expose evil wrongdoers, thus holding out hope for retribution, true justice, and a better... Read More
Sergey Lavrov, Russia’s Foreign Minister, is the world’s foremost diplomat. The son of an Armenian father and a Russian mother, he’s just on another level altogether. Here, once again, we may be able to see why. Let’s start with the annual meeting of the Valdai Club, Russia’s premier think tank. Here we may follow the... Read More
A former servicemen who has been subjected to years of death threats from Antifa groups and aggressive harassment from the FBI has decided to speak out about the terror and mental anguish he and his family have been forced to endure for two and a half years. North Carolina based Vasillios Pistolis first made headlines... Read More
Demographic change has remade the Old Dominion. Once reliably conservative, Virginia is now a blue state. Non-white immigrants and white liberals moving to Northern Virginia (NOVA) lead this sea change. Arlington, once home to Robert E. Lee, and Alexandria, once a city that honored the Confederacy, are occupied territory. Liberal whites and Asians face a... Read More
Russians are amazed by the waves of madness washing over the United States. The recent riots, looting, destruction of memorials, hardball election politics and rumours of impending civil war do not fit the US image in Russian eyes. A Latin American country, say, Colombia or Guatemala, perhaps, but not the United States. The country they... Read More
From the website of the Jesuit publication, America, we read: This is not going to be a prolix column because not a great deal needs to be said. The fewer words the better was George Orwell’s writing philosophy and we concu
Suddenly, the anticipated Trump campaign’s October surprise: allegations that presidential candidate Joseph Biden has been a beneficiary of an international influence-peddling scheme with his son, Hunter, as the point man. This has dramatically, for the moment, turned the tables of election 2020. This pre-election day chess move is an obvious, carefully planned Trump campaign hit... Read More
Richard Nixon was wrong when he assumed that every member of the Chicago 7 was Jewish, but he was close enough. The 1969 trial of seven leftwing activists for inciting a riot at August 1968’s Democratic National Convention was an intensely Jewish moment in American history. Of the seven activists on trial, three were Jews... Read More
[Excerpted from the latest Radio Derb, now available exclusively through] Earlier: Biden Calls For Nation-Busting Amnesty In Final Debate That President Trump will lose his re-election bid is a common opinion among people who wish otherwise. It’s not just me. I got an email from an old friend who is nine times smarter than... Read More
Michael Hudson [intro/music] (00:02): The money that you pay for debt service to a bank isn’t spent back into the economy. The bank bond holders are basically the 1% of the economy. They’re rich enough that they’re not going to take all this extra money they get to buy more goods and services. They’ll buy... Read More
The German Leader’s Reply to the American President’s Public Challenge
Of the many speeches made by Adolf Hitler during his lifetime, certainly one of the most important was his address of April 28, 1939. It was also very probably the most eagerly anticipated and closely followed speech of the time, with many millions of people around the world listening to it live on radio or... Read More
In any given news cycle it is sometimes the lesser articles that are more illuminating in terms of where everything in a country as vast as the United States is heading. This is particularly true in terms of what the U.S. has been experiencing in 2020: a pandemic, civil unrest, wars and continued turmoil overseas... Read More
Philadelphia was under curfew last night and Danielle Outlaw, the black lady police chief newly hired after her stellar performance in Portland OR, is breast-beating about her force’s need for more mental health social workers [Philadelphia pledges better response after shooting death of Walter Wallace Jr.,, October 29, 2020]. Of course, this is completely... Read More
Our country seems headed for a political crisis, with the enemies of Deplorable America making noises suggesting they are planning a post-election “Color Revolution”-type coup against Trump. As a long-time Russia-watcher, I suggest that the failed Soviet coup of 1991, and the collapse that it spurred on, is instructive. The key point that year came... Read More
In 2003 I published a book charting America’s decline in thirty-six social and economic indicators. I mailed copies to the Administration, Congress and department heads and received one reply, from the Director General of the Central Intelligence Agency, saying that the Agency had been providing almost identical information to the government for decades. Since then... Read More

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