In 3 Videos: Kamala Harris

As we near the election, the internet is abuzz with talk of voting for President Trump versus former Vice President Biden. We’ve shared with you several resources, including our Presidential Voter Guide, to help you weigh that very important decision based on the candidates’ policy stances. But, we also know that no President stands alone. Behind every President is a whole cabinet, lots of staffers, and – importantly – his Vice President.
While many associate current Vice President Mike Pence with his strong Christian faith and pro-family values, for many Kamala Harris is less of a “known quantity.” So, as we approach Election Day, we want to share with you 3 videos that reveal who Kamala Harris is, and where she stands on the issues.
Here’s what you need to know.
1. Kamala Harris is radically pro-abortion.
Alongside Biden, Kamala Harris supports abortion up to the moment of birth. Not only that, but as the 90-second video below highlights, “Kamala Harris wants every state in the country to get her permission to pass any pro-life law.” Or, in her own words, “Until that law is determined to be in compliance with Roe v. Wade and its progeny, it cannot go into effect.”
Here’s the video:

In fact, she’s so radically pro-abortion that…
2. As Attorney General of California, Kamala Harris ordered state agents to raid the apartment of pro-life activist David Daleiden after he exposed Planned Parenthood’s business of selling aborted babies’ body parts.
If you’ve been following the pro-life movement for a while, you may remember David Daleiden for going undercover to talk with Planned Parenthood executives – and revealing that they were involved in the business of selling aborted baby parts.
In light of these videos, then-California Attorney General Kamala Harris ordered state agents to raid his apartment. According to a recent video from Daleiden, the agents were given “explicit instructions from Planned Parenthood to seize the computer and video equipment that I was using to publish the undercover videos.”
Learn more here:

3. Kamala Harris might be the most liberal member of the Senate – and she won’t deny it.
In the Vice Presidential candidate debate, Vice President Mike Pence referenced a nonpartisan article that ranked Kamala Harris as the “most politically left” member of the Senate.
In a recent 60 Minutes interview, Harris was given the opportunity to deny that claim – but instead laughed it off. Harris promised that she would always give Biden her “perspective,” leaving unanswered the question of what political ideology that perspective might come from.
Watch the video here:

While these videos offer just a glimpse into who Kamala Harris is and what she stands for, we hope that they will help inform your final voting decisions in the next four days. Please share them with friends, along with our Presidential Voter Guide.
And, as we await the outcome of this election cycle, please keep our nation in prayer. We wait expectantly to see what God will do – and how he will use each of us – in any election outcome.
 Meridian Baldacci Policy and Communications Strategist
P.S. If you haven’t voted yet, or know friends who haven’t voted, you can find your polling location here:
