Arise Update

Arise in the News

October 2020


Facing South: Jim Carnes on the future of Medicaid in Alabama

“We have hundreds of thousands of adults who can’t get any health insurance at all in Alabama,” Arise’s Jim Carnes tells Facing South. “They make too much to qualify for our extremely meager Medicaid, but they don't make quite enough to qualify for the subsidized plans on the marketplace.” In an in-depth interview, Jim explains how expanding Medicaid to close this coverage gap would save lives, improve prenatal care, advance racial equity and strengthen rural communities across Alabama.

NPRMillions of Americans can’t afford enough to eat as pandemic relief stalls in D.C.

Arise’s Jim Carnes connected the dots between poverty, food insecurity and lack of health coverage in Alabama during a recent interview on All Things Considered.

Selma Times-Journal: State NAACP to honor Lewis with weekend caravan

Arise’s Robyn Hyden spoke about our organization’s commitment to protect and expand voting rights during an Oct. 24 memorial to the late U.S. Rep. John Lewis in Montgomery.

Alabama Today: Why Alabama Arise supports Amendment 4

“Amendment 4 would allow the Legislature to remove racist language from the constitution,” Arise’s Jim Carnes writes. “Examples of these provisions include references to separate schools for Black and white children and the prohibition of interracial marriages. This change would address one of the constitution’s original sins: its authors’ explicit intent to establish white supremacy in Alabama.”

Alabama Political Reporter: 122,000 Alabamians could lose health coverage if ACA is overturned, study finds

Arise’s Robyn Hyden describes the devastating toll that Alabama would face if the U.S. Supreme Court strikes down the Affordable Care Act: “Tens of thousands of Alabamians would lose health coverage when they need it most. And hundreds of thousands would pay more for coverage or lose protections for their preexisting conditions.”


Alabama Arise

P.O. Box 1188, Montgomery, Alabama 36101

(334) 832-9060  ·  [email protected]

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