Fighting the CDC’s national eviction ban to restore separation of powers

In early September, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) adopted an order that prohibits certain evictions for non-payment of rent. However, in its haste to enact and enforce a national eviction ban, the CDC overstepped its lawful authority by exercising legislative power reserved to Congress, at the expense of landlords who often depend on rental income to make ends meet. 

Represented free of charge by PLF, Skyworks Ltd.—a company owned by Eric and Lila Wohlwend—along with other Ohio landlords and management companies, filed a federal lawsuit to prevent the same unlawful expansion of power by the federal government in the future.

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Our lawsuit challenging the unconstitutional eviction ban was also covered by Reason.

Handing out candy to trick-or-treaters in some cities could get you fined

For kids who have been subjected to lockdowns and distance learning for months, Halloween this year should be an especially sweet treat. Trick-or-treating is an outdoor activity that is socially distanced and mask-friendly—indeed, kids have worn masks on Halloween long before COVID-19. Kids get to express their creativity, let out months of pent-up energy, and get some candy out of it.

While it’s completely appropriate for local government to provide practices for how to trick-or-treat safely, outright bans are legally dubious.

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The Crisis Issue: Fall Sword&Scales available now

Throughout history, crises have fundamentally changed the way people interact with government. Some of those changes are limited and temporary, but some become permanent. Now that the world is simultaneously experiencing health, economic, and social crises, it’s essential that we understand how crises change us—and our governments.

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